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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 199« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Marjorie R. Richey)

Mrs. Richey.
Not unless it was Bonny or Becky and I may have talked to them.
Mr. Griffin.
Who are Bonny or Becky?
Mrs. Richey.
They are Waitresses at the club.
Mr. Griffin.
What is Bonny's last name?
Mrs. Richey.
I don't know. Becky's is Jones.
Mr. Griffin.
So at the time on the 22d there were four waitresses at the club, Dianna Hunter, Becky Jones, Bonny and yourself?
Mrs. Richey.
I don't remember if Dianna was dancing or if she was waitressing. I am not real sure about that even right now. She was doing one or the other. ,She was there. I just can't remember which one it was.
Mr. Griffin.
Well now did the girls, while they were employed as dancers, also serve as waitresses to some extent?
Mrs. Richey.
There was one girl that did.
Mr. Griffin.
Who was that?
Mrs. Richey.
I don't remember her name. The first time I ever met her, she was an amateur dancer.
Mr. Griffin.
Was Jack employing her as an amateur?
Mrs. Richey.
Yes; but then sometimes she'd work as waitress and then one night one of the girls didn't show up or something. I think this was on a Sunday night. This was before this happened I mean, and one of the girls didn't show up and Jack asked her if she would dance, and I think she danced, and we had three shows, I mean you know, it was continuous, but it was three shows, and she danced. And then--you will have to pardon me, I have to recollect this in my mind.
Then it seems like she come back down after she got through dancing and was waitressing some more, and she did I think until her next number, and then Jack told her that I could handle the floor by myself. And I can't remember if Dianna ever waitressed and danced at the same time. I don't remember that. She might have. Just right now I can't remember but that girl I happen to know because I was working by myself.
Mr. Griffin.
Did the dancers mix with the customers in between their acts?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
And am I correct in assuming that the purpose of this was to induce the customers to buy drinks and so forth?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
And did the customers buy drinks for the girls as well as for themselves?
Mrs. Richey.
The only thing you can buy in Texas, I don't know if you know this, is setups and champagne. You can't buy liquor across the bar. And so if they were drinking, well you know they had a bottle, and if not they had bought, you know, drinks for the girls, too.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember an incident that occurred with Jack's stripper Jada? Can you tell us about that?
Mrs. Richey.
I can't give you details on it. I can tell you what I know about it.
Mr. Griffin.
Tell us what you observed, not what you heard from other people but what you actually saw take place.
Mrs. Richey.
What I saw Jada do?
Mr. Griffin.
Mrs. Richey.
She was from New Orleans, and she kind of danced a little bit different from what I was used to seeing. I don't know how you would explain it. A G-string, is that what you call it, she popped it, if I can make you understand what I am talking about, and I saw her do this one time, and Jack would cut the lights out on her and she'd get mad. Now this is what they had the fight about, because Jack would shut the lights out on her when she got too dirty for him. I mean he'd just shut the lights out. And so if I am not mistaken this is what they kept arguing about. Finally they went to court one night. But this was because that she had popped her G-string again. But I didn't see it that night. Becky did, and she went down to court with him and they were gone quite awhile. But Jada won and he had to pay her and then she left. And that was Jada.
Mr. Griffin.
Did Jack threaten her or hit her in any way?
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