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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIII - Page 84« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Dr. Fred A. Bieberdorf)

Mr. Hubert.
The deposition of Dr. Fred A. Bieberdorf [spoiling] B-i-e-b-e-r-d-o-r-f. Right?
Dr. Bieberdorf.
That's correct.
Mr. Hubert.
Dr. Bieberdorf, my name is Leon Hubert, I am a member of the advisory staff of the General Counsel of the President's Commission. Under the provisions of the Executive Order No. 11130, dated November 29, 1963, Joint Resolution of Congress 137, and rules of procedure adopted by the President's Commission in conformance with the Executive order and joint resolution I have been authorized to take a sworn deposition from you. I state to you now that the general nature of the Commission's inquiry is to ascertain, evaluate and report upon the facts relating to the assassination of President Kennedy and the subsequent violent death of Lee Harvey Oswald.
In particular to you, Dr. Bieberdorf, the nature of the inquiry is to ascertain the facts that you know about the death of Oswald and then any other pertinent facts you may know about the general inquiry. Now, Doctor, I think you have received a letter addressed to you by Mr. J. Lee Rankin, General Counsel for the President's Commission, is that correct?
Dr. Bieberdorf.
Mr. Hubert.
Was that letter received by you in excess of 3 days from today?
Dr. Bieberdorf.
Mr. Hubert.
All right, you are appearing here as a consequence of that letter?
Dr. Bieberdorf.
That's correct.
Mr. Hubert.
Would you stand and raise your right hand? Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Dr. Bieberdorf.
I do.
Mr. Hubert.
Please state your name, sir.
Dr. Bieberdorf.
Frederick Adolph Bieberdorf.
Mr. Hubert.
Your age?
Dr. Bieberdorf.
Mr. Hubert.
Your residence?
Dr. Bieberdorf.
8603 Midway Road, Dallas.
Mr. Hubert.
What is your occupation?
Dr. Bieberdorf.
At present, fourth-year medical student.
Mr. Hubert.
Dr. Bieberdorf.
At Southwestern Medical School, University of Texas.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you happen to be in the basement of the jail of the Dallas police, on the morning of November 24, 1963?
Dr. Bieberdorf.
I was.
Mr. Hubert.
In what capacity?
Dr. Bieberdorf.
I was, at that time, employed by the city of Dallas, city health department, as first aid attendant for the-- -I was employed at that time as first aid attendant by the city of Dallas, city health department. The nature of this job is as follows: Mainly administering first aid and emergency medical care to prisoners within the city jail, or prisoners that they've brought in.
Mr. Hubert.
Had you been doing that sort of work for some time?
Dr. Bieberdorf.
A little bit over a year.
Mr. Hubert.
You say fourth year at the Southwestern University, does that mean that you are a senior?
Dr. Bieberdorf.
That's right. I graduate in June.
Mr. Hubert.
You will receive a M.D. in June?
Dr. Bieberdorf.
Mr. Hubert.
In June of 1964?
Dr. Bieberdorf.
Yes; that's correct.
Mr. Hubert.
What time did you go on duty that day?
Dr. Bieberdorf.
I arrived down there about 9:30 in the morning.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, Doctor, I have shown you, and I believe you have read what purports to be a report of an interview of you by FBI Agents Mabey and Hughes on December 5, 1963, which I am now marking for identification on the first page by writing as follows: "Dallas, Tex., March 31, 1964. Exhibit 5123,
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