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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIII - Page 54« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of )

Mr. Mcmillon.
This first one here?
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Mcmillon.
Let's see. I don't believe so. No, sir; I don't see anything.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Now, you have had a chance to look over Exhibit 5019, haven't you?
Mr. Mcmillon.
Yes, I have looked it over.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, did you tell the Secret Service agents, who interviewed you at that time, about the statement----
Mr. Mcmillon.
I was never interviewed by anybody who was identified as Secret Service agents.
Mr. Griffin.
I am sorry. FBI agents. Did you tell those FBI agents anything about Ruby's statement to Dean?
Mr. Mcmillon.
I told them about how he said he got into the basement. I don't believe they asked me about Dean, that Ruby told him down the ramp.
Mr. Griffin.
What time did this interview take place?
Mr. Mcmillon.
Let's see the date on this. This is the two agents that came to see me on the 25th, that is on Monday?
Mr. Griffin.
Yes; do you remember what time of the day?
Mr. Mcmillon.
Yes; in the afternoon.
Mr. Griffin.
in the afternoon?
Mr. Mcmillon.
Mr. Griffin.
Had you talked to Dean between the time he left you and that afternoon, the time you made that statement?
Mr. Mcmillon.
I don't recall that I had, but I don't believe that I did.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you know by the time you made this statement that Dean had reported to somebody in the police department that he saw the man come down the----
Mr. Mcmillon.
No; I didn't know that at that time. I didn't know that Dean had allegeally said anything of that stuff then. People had told me, after I had got off duty, this, that and the other. I heard somewhere that Dean had been on an interview somewhere on television or something, and that is as much as I knew. I don't know. I don't believe that this article was out at the time. It possibly may have been. I think this article came out a week or two later where Dean is supposed to have said that he seen him. I believe it was some time later after this, a week or so later after this.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you talk with either Archer or Clardy or anybody else in the police department about this statement that Ruby made to you between the time that Ruby made it and the time you gave that interview with the FBI?
Mr. Mcmillon.
I don't recall what the conversation was. Archer, Clardy, and several more of us discussed the case, but Captain Nichols, about the time we got in from the jail about 3:30, when we started writing that report over there----
Mr. Griffin.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Mcmillon.
Captain Nichols' instructions were for each of us to write what we had been doing.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Mcmillon.
What we had been doing, facts about it, instructed us not to talk to any other man about it, that he wanted each man's own report, which I wrote my own report. After I had written my report and turned it in, there has been a lot of conversation about it. I have discussed it with numerous people.
Mr. Griffin.
Did anybody from the homicide bureau question you about the statement that Ruby made?
Mr. Mcmillon.
May have been, but I don't remember when. Something about I was supposed to sign an affidavit to them or something, but I don't believe I ever signed any affidavit to them, some fact that I was----
Mr. Griffin.
How soon after you heard this statement from Ruby were you questioned by homicide detectives concerning that statement?
Mr. Mcmillon.
I don't think I was ever to the point where we could say questioned by them. It seems to me like one of them asked me in the hall, "Did you hear him say so and so, did you hear this, that and the other, could you
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