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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 433« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Patrick Trevore Dean)

Mr. Dean.
basement?" And he said, "I walked in the Main Street ramp." And he told me, he said, "I have just been to the Western Union to mail a money order to Fort Worth." And he said, "I walked from the Western Union to the ramp." And he said, "I saw Sam Pierce "and he referred to him as Sam Pierce "drive out of the basement. At that time, at the time the car drove out is when I walked in."
Mr. Griffin.
Is there a Sam Pierce on the force?
Mr. Dean.
Yes, sir. He is a lieutenant. He is here tonight.
Mr. Griffin.
His name is also Rio Pierce ?
Mr. Dean.
Lt. Rio S. Pierce, yes, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Does he go by the. name Sam?
Mr. Dean.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Does he also go by the name Rio ?
Mr. Dean.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Is one used
Mr. Dean.
Just as much as the other. Depends on who met him under which name.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Now, what else did he talk to you about at that particular time?
Mr. Dean.
After he answered that question, I said, "How long had you been in the basement when Oswald came into your view?" And he said, "I just walked in. I Just walked to the bottom of the ramp when he came out."
Mr. Griffin.
What else did you talk to him about at that time?
Mr. Dean.
That's all. I heard all of Sorrels' questions and I heard all-of Ruby's answers.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, as far as the questioning of Sorrels is concerned, did you testify to that at the Ruby trial?
Mr. Dean.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, after you finished this conversation with Ruby about how he got down into the basement, what did you do?
Mr. Dean.
Caught the elevator back down to the basement and got my gun that had been taken there by a patrolman. If I am not mistaken, I rode down on the same elevator with Mr. Sorrels, and then I went back up to the third floor to
Chief Curry's office and took him his keys that he had given me.
Mr. Griffin.
What were the keys to?
Mr. Dean.
They were well, it was a keyring with a lot of keys on it, but he had given me these to gain entrance to the door that's always locked on the third floor of the jail elevator.
Mr. Griffin.
And then how long did you stay down there with Chief Curry?
Mr. Dean.
Just long enough to give him his keys.
Mr. Griffin.
Where did you go after that?
Mr. Dean.
[No response.]
Mr. Griffin.
Did you go back to homicide?
Mr. Dean.
No; I didn't go back to homicide. I don't remember whether I went back to the basement--I believe that I did, went back to the basement to see how .things were down there. And, of course, a great number of people had left the basement, and I assume were en route or were going to the Parkland Hospital to check on--since the focal point had gone to Parkland Hospital, I assumed that's where all these people had gone.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you tell Chief Curry what Ruby had told you?
Mr. Dean.
At that time; no.
Mr. Griffin.
What did you do, now, after you went down to the first floor, the basement, you say; what did you do then?
Mr. Dean.
Well, I don't remember exactly what I did. I did go to Parkland Hospital and I got there before Oswald was pronounced dead, which I think was at 1:07, wasn't it? Somewhere around I o'clock?
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Dean.
Yes; anyhow, I stayed at Parkland Hospital and
Mr. Griffin.
Who did you see out at Parkland Hospital?
Mr. Dean.
Well, I talked to Lee Harvey Oswald's mother, and in fact, I had taken her along with some I assumed some Secret Service men, I assumed they were Secret Service men that were with her when I started talking to her. I
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