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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 412« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Barnard S. Clardy)

Mr. Clardy.
the other car was brought out--being brought out, there was a lot of those people over in this area in here moving around [indicating].
Mr. Hubert.
Now, I think you have already testified that as to the actual shooting itself, you just saw a movement?
Mr. Clardy.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Off to your left?
Mr. Clardy.
Just a blur of movement.
Mr. Hubert.
When did you first identify Ruby ?
Mr. Clardy.
After he had been taken inside the jail office.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you speak to him then?
Mr. Clardy.
As I went inside the main jail office. they had the cuffs on him, and Detective McMillon said, "Well, let's take him on upstairs." And said, "Barney, take my gun."
I took Detective McMillon's gun out of his holster, and at the time I did, Jack Ruby said, "I'm Jack Ruby. Don't you know me? Don't you know me?" Said, "Yes, I know you, Jack," something to that effect. I am not sure, because I was sick to my stomach of what had happened, and then seeing him and wondering in my own mind how in the world a man had ever got in there. I took Detective McMillon's gun and mine and put it in one of the lockers in the Jail office there, which is provided for that purpose. And along with Detective McMillon, Detective "Blackie" Harrison, and Detective Archer, and there was some other detectives on the elevator with us, and I'm not sure who, and we took Ruby directly to the fifth floor.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he make any comments during that trip?
Mr. Clardy.
Sir, I was on the I was the last one that got to the elevator. If he was--made any comment on the way up I didn't hear him:
Mr. Hubert.
Well, in your statement to the FBI agent which has been identified as No. 5063, you stated he did mention other things. That you had heard Ruby mention that he had intended to get off three shots, do you recall that?
Mr. Clardy.
That was after we got upstairs.
Mr. Hubert.
Well, tell us about that.
Mr. Clardy.
I am not sure who asked him the question. I believe it was Detective Archer, and asked him in some way, "Did you intend to"-- or, "Did you think you could kill the man with one shot?" And he said, "I intended to get off three shots." Said, "I didn't think that I could be stopped before I got off three shots." But, that, I
Mr. Hubert.
Did you ask Ruby, or did anyone ask Ruby in your presence how he had gotten into the basement?
Mr. Clardy.
I asked Ruby.
Mr. Hubert.
You did by yourself?
Mr. Clardy.
I asked him myself, and I am sure there were several others who did.
Mr. Hubert.
That was when you were up on the fifth floor ?
Mr. Clardy.
Yes, sir; shortly after he got
Mr. Hubert.
Shortly after?
Mr. Clardy.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
What did you ask him, and what did he reply? What did you ask him first?
Mr. Clardy.
I asked him how he got into the basement and how long he had been there. I don't know whether that is the exact words I asked him in or not, and he said that Lieutenant Pierce, or he called him Rio Pierce I believe said Rio Pierce, Lt. Rio Pierce drove out in the car and the officer stepped out from the ramp momentarily to talk to Lieutenant Pierce, or said something to him, and I come in behind him fight on down the ramp, and says, "When I got approximately halfway down the ramp I heard somebody holier, 'Hey, you, but I don't know whether he was hollering at me or not, but I just ducked my head and kept coming."
Mr. Hubert.
Did he say-anything further ?
Mr. Clardy.
Further stated, said, "If I had planned this I couldn't have had my timing better." Said, "It was one chance in a million." Or something to that effect. Said, "If I had planned this, I couldn't have had my timing any better."
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