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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 369« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Roy Eugene Vaughn)

Mr. Vaughn.
me about it quite extensively, and I told him the exact story that I had in my report and I have told you, and then he asked me he said he didn't doubt my integrity, but would I take a lie detector test and I told him--yes, I would take a lie detector test and I went in and Detective Bentley, who was operating the polygraph, and so I went in and took the test.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you know at that time that Daniels had said that he had seen somebody go by you ?
Mr. Vaughn.
No, sir--I had contacted Daniels, of course I didn't actually clear my conversation when I talked to him about it---I had contacted Daniels---I remember seeing him there, after personally knowing Daniels--I knew him by sight, and he knew me by sight, and so
Mr. Hubert.
When did you contact Daniels ?
Mr. Vaughn.
It was on Monday morning.
Mr. Hubert.
And you did so, I suppose, because you knew of the. possibility that was being talked about that Ruby had passed by you and you thought that he was there and he might know ?
Mr. Vaughn.
I knew he was there I remember seeing him.
Mr. Hubert.
What did he tell you?
Mr. Vaughn.
Well, I called him at home he has a business down in South Dallas, but it wasn't open--that was the day of the President's funeral, and I called him at home and I believe his wife answered the phone, and I asked her if I could speak to him, and so he come to the phone and I told him who I was and I said, "I remember seeing you down there yesterday, and I Just want to ask you something." I said, "Do you recall this car--this Lieutenant Pierce's car coming out of the basement?" And he said, "Yes, sure." And, I says, "Well, did you see anybody go down that basement while that car was coming out?" He said, "No, definitely not; there was nobody." And, I told him, I said, "That's the way Ruby said he got in," and I thanked him and left.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you ask him whether he saw anybody come by you out to--after the Pierce car had passed through?
Mr. Vaughn.
No, sir; I don't recall asking him that.
Mr. Hubert.
He didn't tell you in any case that he had seen somebody?
Mr. Vaughn.
He said there definitely--he said there was definitely nobody went down that ramp but that car.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he tell you that he had ever seen anybody go through ?
Mr. Vaughn.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he deny he had ever seen anybody go through?
Mr. Vaughn.
Yes, sir; he said he definitely did not see anybody go through.
Mr. Hubert.
And was the conversation such that when he told you that, you understood him to mean at any time whatsoever?
Mr. Vaughn.
The only part I was asking him about was the point when that car come out, Mr. Hubert.
Mr. Hubert.
In other words, his denial then that he saw anybody come through, you think, because of the nature of the conversation, was limited to whether anybody came through while the Pierce car was going through?
Mr. Vaughn.
That was the only part that my intention was .to ask him about--was that particular one situation that arose there, because the rest of the time I was in the ramp.
Mr. Hubert.
Tell me this, after the conversation and the examination by Fisher and the lie detector test, and so forth, was there any kind of disciplinary action taken against you by the police department?
Mr. Vaughn.
No; I had my efficiency cut.
Mr. Hubert.
That's one thing I am interested in--tell us about that.
Mr. Vaughn.
Well, I got cut four points.
Mr. Hubert.
Is that a drastic cut?
Mr. Vaughn.
Well, for me it was. Of course,, in some cases it isn't. I mean, it's Just all according to
Mr. Hubert.
Well, you see, we don't know what the efficiency cut of four points means in terms of severity, and that's what we would like to know.
Mr. Vaughn.
Well, normally for the last 3 or 4 years I have always carried a 90 efficiency, which is a fairly high efficiency, and I got cut four points on one certain thing, which I'm not familiar enough on how they grade on that--to
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