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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 365« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Roy Eugene Vaughn)

Mr. Vaughn.
No; sir--as far as any movement on the street.
Mr. Hubert.
Well, specifically, did you see any move forward?
Mr. Vaughn.
Oh, no.
Mr. Hubert.
Which way were you looking when you heard the shot?
Mr. Vaughn.
When I heard the shot I was looking back outside the entrance.
Mr. Hubert.
Onto Main Street?
Mr. Vaughn.
Mr. Hubert.
Let me get this straight then--you were standing there facing Main Street?
Mr. Vaughn.
Mr. Hubert.
In the ramp?
Mr. Vaughn.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Or a few feet inside the ramp?
Mr. Vaughn.
Mr. Hubert.
You heard somebody holler, "Here he comes," you glanced over your shoulder, you saw nothing that was of significance?
Mr. Vaughn.
Mr. Hubert.
Then turned back?
Mr. Vaughn.
Mr. Hubert.
Then you heard the shots?
Mr. Vaughn.
Then I heard the shots.
Mr. Hubert.
And when you turned to look down the basement after you heard "Here he comes," you did not see Jack Ruby down there?
Mr. Vaughn.
Oh, no--like I said--the only view I had was---there were so many people in there where it was just the very people on the edge--their backs were to me.
Mr. Hubert.
After you heard the shot, what did you do ?
Mr. Vaughn.
There was Just mass confusion broke loose in the basement.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you leave your post ?
Mr. Vaughn.
I stepped back inside the people outside there was quite a crowd beginning to collect outside I stayed back inside and I drawed my pistol and stood in the edge of the doorway in case anybody tried to come out, because actually I didn't know what had happened, and Just immediately after that I seen some of them scuffling down there and I seen a hand-- several people scuffling--and I seen part of a hand sticking out and it looked like it had a pistol in it, but that's all I could see was Just this part of the hand, and immediately after that there was one man that broke away from the crowd and started up the ramp. Of course, he was in civilian clothes, I couldn't tell who he was, and just as he started, I guess he had taken very few steps from the crowd, .there was a reserve that hit him more or less a tackle like and almost knocked him down. Still, they were far enough from me that I couldn't actually tell who it was. And, so, in a minute this reserve let him pass and he come on up the ramp.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you know who the reserve was ?
Mr. Vaughn.
No, sir; I don't. There were so many of those reserves you know who some of them are and some of them you don't.
Mr. Hubert.
The reserves let him go and he came up the ramp?
Mr. Vaughn.
It was Detective E. O. Burgess.
Mr. Hubert.
You recognized him ?
Mr. Vaughn.
Mr. Hubert.
And you let him out?
Mr. Vaughn.
No, he. didn't go out. He Just come up and helped me at top of the ramp.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he give you any instructions or orders ?
Mr. Vaughn.
No. I asked him, I said, "What happened?" And he said, "He's been shot.". I said, "Who shot him?" And he said--well, he understood it was a reporter and that was all that was said then, .and then immediately after that Captain Talbert, Capt. C. E. Talbert come up the ramp and he told me that if anybody tried to leave to get their names and what they had seen in the basement, and he went back down the ramp and shortly thereafter there was a sergeant, I
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