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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 318« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William J. Newman)

Mr. Newman.
Mr. Griffin.
And do you recall what entrance you entered?
Mr. Newman.
I entered Commerce Street door that leads into the basement.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, do you have any recollection of whether there were any TV wires strung through there?
Mr. Newman.
Yes; there was a large van parked on Commerce Street, on the corner of Commerce and Harwood, and there was all kinds of cables. I don't recall whether there were any going in that door or not. There might have been, possibly.
Mr. Griffin.
Were there any TV cables coming down the Commerce Street ramp?
Mr. Newman.
Not to my recollection.
Mr. Griffin.
I believe you spent some time after you were placed on duty over in the garage area?
Mr. Newman.
That's right.
Mr. Griffin.
And, as I understand it, close to Commerce Street?
Mr. Newman.
Mr. Griffin.
And you were guarding the door to the enginerooms, in that general area ?
Mr. Newman.
Well, the first thing, when I first got there, I was assigned to help search the automobiles that were parked in the garage.
Mr. Griffin.
Yes; I want to get to that. I am going to go a little backwards on this.
Mr. NEWMAN, All right.
Mr. Griffin.
I want to get the questioning. Where you were finally stationed prior to the time Oswald was shot, was that near the entrance, the doorway to the engine room?
Mr. Newman.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, I am going to get a map, diagram here, and I would like for you to try to think back to that. I am going to mark this Newman Exhibit 5037. Now, Mr. Newman, this is a copy of the diagram of the basement area of the Police and Court Building in Dallas. I will try to explain it to you and then if you have any questions, why, I will try to answer those. But you see in this area is the jail office, Harwood is off in this direction. There is Main, there is Commerce [indicating]. Now, this dotted line here running parallel to Commerce Street is actually the outside wall above ground level and here would be Commerce Street, if you were at ground level, here would be the sidewalk, here would be the outside wall. However, when you are in the basement, this diagram purports to represent anyhow, that the basement is this solid black line over here, and I presume that that's true, although I have never checked it myself.
Mr. Newman.
It looks to be.
Mr. Griffin.
And do--these other black marks around here represent posts [indicating]. Now, would you indicate on this diagram where it was that you were stationed by--well, where it was you were stationed in connection with the security of the basement, after the search of the basement?
Mr. Newman.
I was placed right at the place of this column. There is what this is, isn't it?
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Newman.
Do you want me to-----
Mr. Griffin.
Just an "X" there [indicating]. Now, as you were standing there, do you remember whether any TV cables ran through that general area?
Mr. Newman.
There were none there.
Mr. Griffin.
There were none. Were there any TV cables that you could see in the garage area?
Mr. Newman.
By the garage area, you are talking about this area here [indicating]? I didn't see any.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, there is an arrow here that says "to engineroom." Are you familiar with--is there a door over in that area?
Mr. Newman.
Not a door as such. I don't believe it can be closed. It's just an opening there [indicating].
Mr. Griffin.
There is an opening?
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