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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 30« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Chief Jesse E. Curry)

Mr. Curry.
returned to my car and in the meantime while we were at Love Field, Mrs. Kennedy and some others came and they loaded the casket onto the plane and she went into the plane. After I got off the plane, I talked to Mrs. Cabell and to Mayor Cabell and I waited until the planes left Love Field, and then I went to the city hall.
Now, as best I recall, it was probably around 4 o'clock when I got to the city hall, and I started to my office on the third floor, and when I got off of the elevator there I could see that there was just pandemonium on the third floor. There was dozens and dozens of newsmen just crammed into the north end of the corridor. There were television cables running from down the halls, from the administrative office, and I went to my office and talked with some of my staff--I don't recall who all was in there at the time about what was going on, and I was told by someone, I believe Chief Stevenson that they had a man named Oswald whom they believed to .be the murderer of Officer Tippit, and they had been questioning him in Captain Fritz' office.
Mr. Hubert.
Did they advise you at that time, or did they know to your knowledge that he was also a suspect in regard to the assassination of President Kennedy ?
Mr. Curry.
Someone mentioned that he was also a strong suspect in the assassination of the President.
Mr. Hubert.
That was at that same time?
Mr. Curry.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
When you got back there?
Mr. Curry.
After I returned from Love Field.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, you say Captain Fritz was carrying on the interrogation?
Mr. Curry.
Yes; that's his responsibility, to investigate murders, robberies, and rapes, and extortions and things of that kind.
Mr. Hubert.
It's fair to say, then, that the interrogation of Oswald with respect to either the death of Tippit or of President Kennedy was in accordance with the normal procedures of the department ?
Mr. Curry.
That's correct.
Mr. Hubert.
How long had Captain Fritz been in that position, sir?
Mr. Curry.
A number of years---I don't recall exactly when he was appointed to his position with the homicide division--probably 15 years anyway.
I had received a call from the FBI or someone in the FBI, I don't recall whether it was Shanklin or who, and they were requesting that a representative of their Bureau be allowed to be present when Oswald was interviewed.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you agree to that?
Mr. Curry.
I called Fritz in his office and told him we had this request, and Fritz said, "Okay; we'll let them in."
At that time I understood there was a representative from Secret Service already in the room and the representative from the FBI went in--one or two FBI representatives.
It was some time before I ever went to the homicide office myself.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you receive any message around that time or a little later relayed to you as it were, through FBI agents, that Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI, wanted you to know of his concern about Oswald's security?
Mr. Curry.
Specifically, I don't remember anyone coming to me and telling me that.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, let's see--I think the last statement you made was that it was sometime before you actually went to Fritz' office yourself. Is there anything that happened of significance or that you want to put in the record with reference to what happened between the time you got there around a lithe after 4 and the 'time you did get in to see Oswald ?
Mr. Curry.
No, sir; I wasn't particularly interested in seeing him or interfering with the investigation in any way. I stayed up in the administrative offices most of the time. I had a number of calls from various people, I don't recall Just who all I talked to. I conferred with some of my staff during that time and I was kept informed of the progress of the investigation.
Mr. Hubert.
How were you kept informed ?
Mr. Curry.
Usually through Chief Stevenson.
Mr. Hubert.
In other words, you would move from Captain Fritz' office
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