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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 275« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Roy Lowery Lee)

Mr. Hubert.
I am marking a circle around the position you have indicated and I am writing the words, "Position of R. L. Lowery at the time of the shooting," which I am also placing in a circle. Now, is that correct, sir ? That was your position?
Mr. Lowery.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, how long had you been in that position prior to the shooting?
Mr. Lowery.
Well, I couldn't definitely say how long I had been at that one particular position. I had been in this area for, oh, from approximately 10 minutes. I had been within a few feet of there, I just took this position a few minutes, and---or maybe a couple of minutes before the shooting actually took place, but I was standing within a few feet of that point.
Mr. Hubert.
At the moment of the shooting, you were in precisely that position ?
Mr. Lowery.
Mr. Hubert.
And you would judge you had been in that position about 2 minutes?
Mr. Lowery.
I don't believe it would be any more than 2 minutes' time. I don't know.
Mr. Hubert.
You were facing then in the general direction of the TV cameras?
Mr. LOWERY Well, when the actual shooting took place.
Mr. Hubert.
And the time before that? I want to get both?
Mr. Lowery.
Well, I looked both ways, both left and right.
Mr. Hubert.
I'll ask you if you scanned the crowd?
Mr. Lowery.
Well, in the direction of the TV cameras, the lights were so bright I couldn't have seen any people in the crowd. I could see forms, but I couldn't--I wouldn't be able to---
Mr. Hubert.
Do you know a detective, W. J. Harrison, I think he is called "Blackie" garrison?
Mr. Lowery.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Was he in your line of vision?
Mr. Lowery.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Could you see him?
Mr. Lowery.
I saw him shortly before the shooting. Now, at the time all the TV lights and everything were turned on, I don't recall seeing "Blackie" from that time until the shot was actually fired.
Mr. Hubert.
I wonder if you would use the mockup first to place the position, approximately, of garrison, the last time you were able to see him, and then translate that by placing a circle on the map that--
Mr. Lowery.
Let me get squared away here. He would have been in this general area. I couldn't say in relation to this wall--to this guardrail. I would think they would have been approximately
Mr. Hubert.
Well, I am going to mark a line, which I am labeling as line "A, B," and then I want to ask you to take the pen and put the approximate position of garrison the last time you saw him.
Mr. Lowery.
Well, I would say about this [indicating].
Mr. Hubert.
Now, you have made an "X," and I am putting a circle about the "X," and drawing a line out and writing the following, "position of W. J. Harrison-" the approximate position, is that what you mean?
Mr. Lowery.
Mr. Hubert.
"The approximate position of W. J. Harrison when last seen by Lowery."
Mr. Lowery.
Mr. Hubert.
"Before the shooting." Right?
Mr. Lowery.
Mr. Hubert.
I am encircling that language and connecting it with the position marked "X." Now, can you give us any estimation of how long before the shooting was the last time that you saw Harrison ?
Mr. Lowery.
No, sir; I wouldn't make an attempt, because the time in my estimation I found that they were so far off that I couldn't--I just don't have any idea. It couldn't have been more than a couple of minutes.
Mr. Hubert.
All right; you did not see him after that, though, did you?
Mr. Lowery.
I saw him after the shooting.
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