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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 264« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Harold B. , Jr. Holly)

Mr. Holly.
I reported it to the CID officer, I guess it was, down on the first or second floor of the city hall.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you remember who it was?
Mr. Holly.
No; it was lieutenant someone, through one of the detectives.
Mr. Hubert.
Which detective was that?
Mr. Holly.
Detective Eberhardt. I gave the information to one of the stenographers up in burglary and theft division, and I typed it out and sent it on down to the lieutenant. Offhand, I don't recall his name. It was one of the investigators on the case.
Mr. Hubert.
Were you contacted to make a statement about your activities?
Mr. Holly.
The subject, how it come up, one of the detectives was out at the house, and the subject came up that they were trying to find out how in the world Ruby ever got down in the basement. And I said, "Well, my Lord, one of the reserves let him in.
Mr. Hubert.
When was that?
Mr. Holly.
I would say that was on about a Wednesday or Thursday after the accident. And he said, "Will you make a statement?" And I said, "I will be glad. to."
Mr. Hubert.
Did you make a written statement, or was it just oral?
Mr. Holly.
Oral statement and I signed.
Mr. Hubert.
Did they write it up in the form of an interview, or did he write it for your signature as a letter to the chief?
Mr. Holly.
A letter to the it went through--I don't know what procedure it did go through. I just don't know the hand it went into.
Mr. Hubert.
For the purpose of identification, we will see if we can determine whether the written reports you have just been speaking of is one of these, one that I have here. And also in order to get the contents of these two reports into the record, I am going to identify them by marking the first one as "Dallas, Tex., March 26, 1964, Exhibit No. 5109, Deposition of H. B. Holly, Jr.," and I am signing my name on the margin. I notice that it has a second page with two lines, and I am putting my initials in the lower right-hand corner.
The other document is a document consisting of five pages, being an interview, or the report of an interview by two FBI agents, Mr. Dallman and Mr. Quigley. I am marking that as "Dallas, Tex., March 26, 1964, Exhibit No. 5110, Deposition of H. B. Holly, Jr." I am signing my name on the first page and putting my initials on the second, third, fourth, and fifth pages. I would like you, Mr. Holly, if you will, please to read all these, and I want to ask you about the correctness of each one. So I would like you to read it carefully and after you have done so, I will ask you to make any comments you want as to the correctness, make any changes you want, if it is not correct, because neither of these are your own statements. This is what other people said you said. Then I want to find out, too, if there is another report that you, yourself, signed, because they don't purport to be signed by you. So, would you do that, please?
Mr. Holly.
[Reads report.]
Mr. Hubert.
Now, Mr. Holly, I have shown you, and I think you have read now the exhibits which I have identified as No. 5109, being a report of an interview of you by Jack Revill, said report being made to Chief of Police Curry in a letter dated December 1, 1963. Does that substantially represent what you said ?
Mr. Holly.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Is anything wrong about it?
Mr. Holly.
The only thing I can see wrong is, the report wasn't made right after the assassination. It was about 5 days afterwards. That is the only thing I can see.
Mr. Hubert.
Well, of course, this doesn't say when the report was made. Oh, you mean the report about having heard that?
Mr. Holly.
To Lieutenant Revill there. I believe he corrected that, but it wasn't made right after. Statement says that I made a statement to Sergeant Eberhart.
Mr. Hubert.
I don't see anything in 5109 that indicates you made this report about talking to that man the next day. As a matter of fact, I don't see where
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