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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 255« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William J. Harrison)

Mr. Harrison.
Not in that immediate area; no.
Mr. Griffin.
In other words, if anybody had been turning and looking up toward the Main Street ramp, there wouldn't have been enough newspaper people in there to have obscured the sight of Jack Ruby?
Mr. Harrison.
I don't suppose there would have been.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, I am not trying to put words in your mouth. I want to make this very clear. I am giving you a direct question like this, but if you feel differently, I want to know if you disagree with me. I am asking a leading

question here, but I want to make sure that I am not leading
Mr. Harrison.
What was the question again ?
Mr. Griffin.
If Jack Ruby had been in this area at the base of the Main Street ramp, there wouldn't have been enough newspaper people there? The fact that there were newspaper people around-wouldn't have obscured the sight of him from anybody that was looking up in that direction?
Mr. Harrison.
I don't think it would have obscured him, had they been looking in that direction. Now, I did, as I said a while ago, I have looked at some films, and I did look to my left, oh-
Mr. Griffin.
By "left," you mean up in the direction of the Main Street ramp ?
Mr. Harrison.
When this guy hollered to me to move the crowd back, I looked to my left and backed the people up.
Mr. Griffin.
Your left would be up in the direction of the Main Street ramp?
Mr. Harrison.
No; it would be toward the cameras.
Mr. Griffin.
Toward the cameras?
Mr. Harrison.
Television cameras, yes; over in this direction.
Mr. Griffin.
And, as you looked over there, you didn't see Jack Ruby?
Mr. Harrison.
No; I didn't.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember looking over there like that or do you only remember it from having seen the photograph?
Mr. Harrison.
No; when they hollered, I glanced over there to see where we were in trying to
Mr. Griffin.
All right.
Mr. Harrison.
In trying to get out of line of those cameras.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, do you remember, as you looked over there, whether you had any difficulty in seeing people over in that area ?
Mr. Harrison.
There wasn't anyone in here.
Mr. Griffin.
In front of the cameras ?
Mr. Harrison.
No; there was no one in front of the cameras.
Mr. Griffin.
What would you say would be the total number of people, including newspaper people and police officers, who were strung from the northwest corner over toward the cameras at the time Oswald came out?
Mr. Harrison.
I would say maybe eight or nine.
Mr. Griffin.
All right, now. How long did you remain up there by those elevators ?
Mr. Harrison.
Well, it was, I imagine, 45 minutes.
Mr. Griffin.
And what did you do when you left the elevators?
Mr. Harrison.
Went back upstairs to the bureau.
Mr. Griffin.
Which bureau, now, juvenile bureau?
Mr. Harrison.
Juvenile bureau.
Mr. Griffin.
What did you do in the Juvenile bureau?
Mr. Harrison.
We stayed there until they told us to--Captain Jones told us to go up to homicide bureau and write a report as to what we saw and what we did on this thing.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Now, did Captain Jones give the instructions to write a report to everybody?
Mr. Harrison.
Well, he told--I didn't hear him give it to everybody. He told me and Cutchshaw and Lowery to.
Mr. Griffin.
Was Miller up there at the time?
Mr. Harrison.
I don't recall whether Miller was there or not.
Mr. Griffin.
Was it your understanding that Jones was trying to contact everybody to get them to write a report as quickly as possible?
Mr. Harrison.
Well, now, I don't know about that. He came up there and told me to report back to the bureau, and when we got to the bureau, well, he
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