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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 246« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William J. Harrison)

Mr. Griffin.
into the garage, can you mark on there what Captain Jones--how Captain Jones indicated that the newspeople were to be displaced by the officers?
Mr. Harrison.
He wanted them across along here on this side.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you want to put a series of "X's" or something along there to show ?
Mr. Harrison.
You want to put "news"?
Mr. Griffin.
Yes; you might put some mark on there. This would be news media, newspeople, also?
Mr. Harrison.
Mr. Griffin.
Why don't you mark that "news," also? Now, were there to be any newspaper people from the northern side of the entrance to the garage on up toward the Main Street ramp?
Mr. Harrison.
There were some.
Mr. Griffin.
But what instructions did he give in that regard?
Mr. Harrison.
He didn't. He just stated that he wanted them on the east side of the ramp.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, did he say anything with respect to whether he wanted them on the east side or the west side of the. railing?
Mr. Harrison.
No; he didn't specify that.
Mr. Griffin.
Was it your understanding that there were to be no news media in this area other than the TV people?
Mr. Harrison.
In this area right here.
Mr. Griffin.
What about in the area to the north of where you have placed the "X's"? Was it your understanding that-
Mr. Harrison.
There were floodlights standing here.
Mr. Griffin.
Where you are placing circles on the map. Now, did he give-- go ahead.
Mr. Harrison.
There were cameras here.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, did he give instructions as to where the police officers were to stand?
Mr. Harrison.
Mr. Griffin.
Did he give any instructions with respect to forming any lines of police officers or anything like that? Mr. Mr. HARRISON. I didn't hear it.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, how long was this before Lee Oswald was brought that these instructions were given ?
Mr. Harrison.
This was approximately, oh, maybe 10 or 11 minutes before.
Mr. Griffin.
What did you do in that 10 or 11 minutes?
Mr. Harrison.
I took up a position in the ramp area here and assisted with getting the newsmen on the east side of the ramp.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you stay in the same general area?
Mr. Harrison.
I did; yes.
Mr. Griffin.
Can you indicate on the map by a circle and an "X" where was it you were, generally ?
(Discussion off the record.)
Mr. Griffin.
Actually, Mr. MacMaster, if you feel like you would like to recess this at some particular hour, let me know.
Mr. Macmaster.
Let me suggest this. Do you have any idea how long this interrogation will last?
Mr. Griffin.
I wouldn't expect it to go more than 45 minutes.
Mr. Macmaster.
Mr. Griffin.
No; I don't think it will go any longer than that, however---
Mr. Macmaster.
What is your--would you just rather stay and finish?
Mr. Harrison.
I would rather stay and finish.
Mr. Macmaster.
All right. I wonder if I may make my one phone call here on the phone?
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Harrison.
May I ask you something here?
Mr. Griffin.
Yes. Let's wait until he finishes.
Mr. Macmaster.
Well, let's go ahead. My 13-year-old daughter is on the phone, so that is a career itself trying to get home. I am not going to worry about it.
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