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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 242« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William J. Harrison)

Mr. Harrison.
the city hall, that was the captain's order, Captain Martin's order. He told us to come on back to the bureau when we got through eating.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Harrison.
I recall that.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Now, when you got back to the bureau, did you report back in to Goolsby?
Mr. Harrison.
Well, he saw us come in. We didn't have to.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you see Captain Martin when you got back ?
Mr. Harrison.
I believe he was there when we got back in.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you talk to anybody when you got back about the proposed movement of Oswald ?
Mr. Harrison.
No. Of course, it may have been discussed there as to what time it would be. I don't recall who was talking or what was said, but I know we were told to stand by the bureau there by Captain Martin.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, when did Martin tell you this?
Mr. Harrison.
Well, actually, on this phone call Goolsby made over there, he told us that the captain had told us to stand by there in the bureau.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Harrison.
When we got back up there.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, did Martin then tell you the same thing when you got up?
Mr. Harrison.
I don't recall whether he did or not.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, how long was it between the time that you got this call from Goolsby and you actually went down to the basement in connection with the movement of Lee Oswald?
Mr. Harrison.
I would say about 2 hours.
Mr. Griffin.
When you came back from the diner, how did you come back into the building?
Mr. Harrison.
Came across to Harwood Street and down to the Harwood Street entrance to the city hall.
Mr. Griffin.
And when you went out, did you go out that way or did you go out by the Commerce Street entrance?
Mr. Harrison.
Went that way.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, did you see anybody around the police building at that time whom you recognized that wasn't either a police officer or a newspaperman?
Mr. Harrison.
Yes, sir; when we came back, there was a man by the name of Johnny Miller, who owns a trailer house sales on West Davis. It is right across from Sivils parking lot there. It is a trailer sales company. He was standing in the door of this television company truck talking, and he turned around and shook hands with me and spoke to me, and I went on in the building.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember what he said to you?
Mr. Harrison.
He just spoke to me and shook hands with me. said he was glad to see me, and that is the extent of it.
Mr. Griffin.
Does Miller know Ruby, to your knowledge?
Mr. Harrison.
I don't know. I don't know that, whether he knows him or not.
Mr. Griffin.
Anything that would lead you to think that he might?
Mr. Harrison.
No; I have known Miller just about the same length of time that I have known Ruby, but I don't know whether he even knew Ruby or not.
Mr. Griffin.
Is Miller a close, personal friend of yours?
Mr. Harrison.
No, no; just an acquaintance. Oh, I have stopped out there' at his place and sat there and talked to him and have gone and had coffee with him, but just an acquaintance, not a personal friend.
Mr. Griffin.
Is this a TV sales and repair shop that he runs ?
Mr. Harrison.
No; a house trailer.
Mr. Griffin.
I am sorry. House trailer. House trailer. Okay. Now, do you remember what you did in those roughly 2 hours between the time you got back up to the juvenile bureau and the time that you went down to the basement?
Mr. Harrison.
No, sir; I don't recall, except sitting up there answering the phone and just checking on beeves that I had had assigned to me.
Mr. Griffin.
Were you all keeping your eye out for when Oswald would be moved?
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