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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 219« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Wilbur Jay Cutchshaw)

Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember any activity back here in that hallway immediately after you let go of that swinging door?
Mr. Cutchshaw.
Well, just a little, maybe a minute or two.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Cutchshaw.
Mr. Griffin.
But not immediately thereafter? Do you have any recollection of seeing anything back there immediately thereafter?
Mr. Cutchshaw.
Well, right after, right after this, the doors came to here, a man stepped away from the wall over there, the one I told you previously where one came into the hallway.
Mr. Griffin.
A newspaperman? A newspaper person?
Mr. Cutchshaw.
Mr. Griffin.
Stepped. away from this area where you have the "N" marked?
Mr. Cutchshaw.
Mr. Griffin.
Where did he walk to?
Mr. Cutchshaw.
He walked out toward the swinging doors and motioned for somebody to come out.
Mr. Griffin.
And your attention was attracted to him ?
Mr. Cutchshaw.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, did you actually see that man move away?
Mr. Cutchshaw.
Yes. Who moved away from right here and stepped about half way from where he was standing up to the swinging doors.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Have you watched the movies of all this?
Mr. Cutchshaw.
I just seen it one time.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Are you able to state whether what you are telling us now is from your own knowledge, or is it confused with anything you may have seen in the movies?
Mr. Cutchshaw.
Because I remember when he stepped out, I made him get back, and I told him to get back up against the wall.
Mr. Griffin.
DO you recall whether you were looking in his direction when he did this, or whether your attention was attracted to him and then you had to look at him?
Mr. Cutchshaw.
I think I was looking in the hallway in this area here when he stepped out, and he stepped, there was only about two steps.
Mr. Griffin.
You say in this area here. You mean you were looking in the direction of Lowery ?
Mr. Cutchshaw.
Yes, in here.
Mr. Griffin.
She can't write that. I am going to have to explain for the record. Were you looking in the direction of Lowery, or in the direction of the railing?
Mr. Cutchshaw.
Well, in the direction of the TV camera which was being pushed out at this time.
Mr. Griffin.
That man walked out, and you got out to motion somebody in, and you pushed him back?
Mr. Cutchshaw.
I told him to get back up against the wall.
Mr. Griffin.
At that point do you believe that if somebody had walked out from the channel 5 camera that was already in place behind the railing, are you able to state whether or not you would have seen him get in position and help push that other camera ?
Mr. Cutchshaw.
Well, that is kind of hard to say, because when I looked out here and he stepped out there, and I told him to get back, I don't know whether I would notice anybody at that camera, because my attention at this time was at the man that stepped away from the hallway.
Mr. Griffin.
However, whatever struck your attention to the general placement of the people in front of those TV cameras, do you recall whether there were people in front of the TV cameras at any time before you saw this other TV camera come out of the hallway?
Mr. Cutchshaw.
Whether they were exactly in front of the TV cameras, I don't know, but I know there was lots of people along this north wall and in the driveway.
Mr. Griffin.
You are not indicating anything that is directly in front of the TV camera?
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