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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 145« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Charles Oliver Arnett)

Mr. Griffin.
yourself here, in terms of how much before well, in terms of the time that the armored car was in the ramp, did you place yourself before or-
Mr. Arnett.
It was here before I went there.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. This was after the armored car arrived?
Mr. Arnett.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
And how long before Lee Oswald was brought down ?
Mr. Arnett.
After I placed myself over there?
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Arnett.
Well, around 15 minutes.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you know what time Oswald was brought down ?
Mr. Arnett.
I know what time the ambulance was called.
Mr. Griffin.
What time was that?
Mr. Arnett.
Mr. Griffin.
When you stationed yourself at that point, were the floodlights from the TV cameras on ?
Mr. Arnett.
Were they on?
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Arnett.
If I remember right, they had been on all the time.
Mr. Griffin.
They had been on all the time?
Mr. Arnett.
They wasn't alive all the time.
Mr. Griffin.
You mean the cameras weren't alive?
Mr. Arnett.
Mr. Griffin.
At the time you searched the basement, were the floodlights on from those TV cameras?
Mr. Arnett.
Well now, whether they were on or not, I don't know. I believe the machine was lighted up. Now, whether that's what you call.
Mr. Griffin.
No; I mean the floodlights.
Mr. Arnett.
Well, I am not going to say either way on that, because I am not going to tell you anything I don't think is the truth.
Mr. Griffin.
Are you sure the floodlights were on when you stationed yourself at the point that we have marked as point A at the bottom of the ramp?
Mr. Arnett.
I would say lights were on. Now, whether they were floodlights or not, I couldn't tell you. I don't know whether you say just a light fitting there was a floodlight or the lights in the camera or
Mr. Griffin.
No; I am talking about the lights they use to illuminate the picture they are going to take, throw out on the subject?
Mr. Arnett.
I will say the cameras had a light in them. I will say that. Now, whether you call them floodlights or not, I don't know. Now, they tell me that they can be on and not be taking pictures unless there is a red light burning. Now, whether that's true or not, I don't know.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Over where these TV cameras are. were there some lights placed in association with those cameras?
Mr. Arnett.
All I can remember of, and I am trying to tell you the truth--
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Arnett.
Is that the light was on in the camera. You know what I mean, that [indicating] was burning.
Mr. Griffin.
I don't know if you have taken home movies or anything like that, or just had your picture taken in a photographer's studio, often they beam a lot of lights down?
Mr. Arnett.
I know what you are talking about there.
Mr. Griffin.
Were there any lights like that over by these TV cameras?
Mr. Arnett.
I don't remember any like that, but they had to be for it to be alive, I guess, but I don't remember them being on when this happened.
Mr. Griffin.
Before Oswald came out you were where we put this A at the bottom of the ramp, when you had occasion to look off into the garage area, was it possible to distinguish objects, or distinguish people or cars in there?
Mr. Arnett.
There was a ear came out the ramp, after we got in line, and went out the ramp on North Main, up the ramp, out on North Main. We broke up
Mr. Griffin.
I am going to ask you this simple question, as you looked out
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