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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 142« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Charles Oliver Arnett)

Mr. Griffin.
Did you go with Sergeant Dean to the area that's marked on the map stairs up, behind elevators No. I and No. 2.
Mr. Arnett.
Did I go up the stairs?
Mr. Griffin.
No. Did you go to that area with him ?
Mr. Arnett.
Well, this is the area I covered with him, from here, all this right in here [indicating].
Mr. Griffin.
The reporter can't see that, but you are indicating--we have to get this down in words, so that the members of the Commission, Chief Justice Warren and so forth will understand what we are talking about here.
Mr. Arnett.
Mr. Griffin.
You are indicating that you searched with Sergeant Dean that portion of the garage which includes the elevators No. 1 and No. 2 and the door- way to the stair up, correct?
Mr. Arnett.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, when you got to those elevators, what did you and Sergeant Dean do?
Mr. Arnett.
As we searched them out, we placed men in this area as we searched it out, there was a regular officer stationed here [indicating].
Mr. Griffin.
Regular officer stationed--
Mr. Arnett.
At the elevators [indicating].
Mr. Griffin.
You want to put on the map where that regular officer was, and put an X there?
Mr. Arnett.
It was here in front of these elevators [indicating].
Mr. Griffin.
Do you want to write regular officer--do you know his name?
Mr. Arnett.
No, sir; I don't. [Spelling] R-e-g-u-l-a-r
Mr. Griffin.
Regular, yes. All right. Now, were these elevators operating, these elevators No. 1 and No. 2, were they in operation?
Mr. Arnett.
I couldn't say whether they were or not. They wasn't working at the time I was there.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. You didn't see any boys, Negro boys in there?
Mr. Arnett.
Mr. Griffin.
Is there a door at this entranceway to the stairs up?
Mr. Arnett.
Did you say are there a door there?
Mr. Griffin.
Is there a door there; do you remember if there is a door there ?
Mr. Arnett.
There is a door here that goes into this [ indicating].
Mr. Griffin.
Into the first aid station ?
Mr. Arnett.
Yes, sir. But now, I couldn't say whether there are or not.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Do you recall what investigation was made in the area of that doorway there, toward the stairs up? What check you and Sergeant Dean made?
Mr. Arnett.
Well, they probably were finishing their investigation here and we were back over here. There is a building extends out from the walls, and it doesn't go completely back against this ramp. There is room for a man to walk in there, and I went and got a flashlight and---
Mr. Griffin.
Now, I want to talk about this area right here. Do you recall whether you and Sergeant Dean went over to that doorway that leads to the stairs up?
Mr. Arnett.
I didn't.
Mr. Griffin.
You didn't go ?
Mr. Arnett.
No, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Right. Did you go to that. area where the first-aid station is?
Mr. Arnett.
I didn't make that part of the search there. We started and came around this way, searched all these cars down through here, and this building back here that I am telling you about, that doesn't extend against the wall. I went and got a flashlight and Sergeant --I will think of his name in a minute, reserve. His name starts with a H.
Mr. Griffin.
Well, that's okay. His name isn't necessary. You went back there searched the
Mr. Arnett.
We taken a flashlight in there and I held the flashlight for him, and he got up in there and I give him the flashlight, and he taken the flashlight and walked all back in here. There was room for a man to walk in there [indicating].
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