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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 114« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Capt. Cecil E. Talbert)

Mr. Hubert.
Did you check those doors ?
Captain TALBERT. Checked the door to see that it Was locked, and it was; yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
It was locked from the outside? Could somebody in there have come in ?
Captain TALBERT. There should have been no one in there, because there is no entrance to it.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you check in the doctor's room ?
Captain TALBERT. No, sir; I had no key to get in. The doctor and the Porter would have the key, but I didn't have. I went to this [indicating]. This is the stairway, and this--there is another--there is another stairway coming in here [indicating].
Mr. Hubert.
From point "2"7
Captain TALBERT. Actually, this is--can you stop?
Mr. Hubert.
Yes. (Discussion off the record. )
Captain TALBERT. I went to point "3" and tried the other door which was locked externally. Went to point "4"
Mr. Hubert.
Before you leave Point "3," did you know whether that door was locked from the other side ?
Captain TALBERT. No, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
So, that a person in the stairwell----
Captain TALBERT. That is not the stairwell, sir, that is the second door of the first aid station.
Mr. Hubert.
Oh, the second door of the first aid station?
Captain TALBERT. "3" it is the second door of the first aid station. "4" to the stairwell leading downstairs to a subbasement, engineroom, and leading from the first floor down to the basement area is a fire escape type that door was secured from the outside.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you know if anybody on the inside of that door could have come from the stairwell into the basement?
Captain TALBERT. Yes, sir; it has--that particular door, I have since learned---I didn't know it at that time, but I have since learned that that particular door has a fire escape type latch. That bar-type latch, and I did check and find that the first floor--not the basement, but the first floor of the city hall had its interior door, both on the Commerce Street, Main Street, and the hallway locked. It is a procedure that they use over the weekend, and after 6 p.m., in the afternoon, those doors are locked, so, anyone not in the building at the time wouldn't have had access to this unless someone unlocked it for them.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you check those entrances at the first floor of the municipal building on the 24th ?
Captain TALBERT. Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
How did you do that?
Captain TALBERT. As I recall, just from the this particular time after finishing this search, I went to the sidewalk area on Commerce, and into the entrance that is left open for payment of water bills and the interior door there was secure and locked.
Mr. Hubert.
So, then a person could not get into the first floor of the city hall through that door on Commerce Street?
Captain TALBERT. Yes, sir; and in further checking around the building went through the police courts building and in checking the Main Street door and then, in turn, checked the Main Street entrance, and it was locked.
Mr. Hubert.
Main Street entrance to the municipal building?
Captain TALBERT. To the municipal building.
Mr. Hubert.
And it was locked?
Captain TALBERT. And it was locked; yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, did you check the several entrances on the alleyway which runs from Main to about halfway up the block and makes an L-turn and then runs to Pearl?
Captain TALBERT. I did not check that entrance, because the thing is locked any time after 6, and on the weekends. We can't enter that way. Matter of fact, we have orders not to enter that way at anytime, but sometimes we, in
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