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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XI - Page 71« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of John Edward Pic Resumed)

Mr. Pic.
The next Exhibit No. 37-A, postmarked Fort Worth, Tex., December 28, 1950, no return address.
Mr. Jenner.
The contents?
Mr. Pic.
Christmas card marked Exhibit No. 37-B with a short note.
Mr. Jenner.
In the handwriting of your mother?
Mr. Pic.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. Next exhibit?
Mr. Pic.
Envelope Exhibit No. 38-A, postmarked Fort Worth, Tex., January 19, 1951, return address, M. Oswald, 7408 Ewing, Fort Worth, Tex. Contents of envelope marked Exhibit No. 38-B containing a letter from my mother to myself.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. Next exhibit?
Mr. Pic.
Envelope Exhibit No. 39-A postmarked Fort Worth Tex., April 6, 1951. The only thing made out on the return address is "M.O. 7408 Fort Worth, Texas."
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Pic.
Contents Exhibit No. 39-B, a letter from my mother to myself, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Next exhibit?
Mr. Pic.
Envelope marked Exhibit No. 40-A, postmarked Fort Worth, Tex., May 2, 1951, return address, M. Oswald, 7408 Ewing, contents Exhibit No. 40-B letter from my mother to myself, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
The next exhibit?
Mr. Pic.
Envelope marked Exhibit No. 41-A postmarked Fort Worth, Tex., 7 May 1951, return address 7408, Mrs. M. Oswald, 7408 Ewing, Fort Worth, Tex., contents letter marked Exhibit No. 41-B, a letter from my mother to myself, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Next exhibit?
Mr. Pic.
A letter, envelope marked Exhibit No. 42-A postmarked Fort Worth, Tex., June 4, 1951, return address M. Oswald 7408 Ewing, Fort Worth, Tex., contents marked Exhibit No. 42-B, letter from my mother to myself, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Next exhibit?
Mr. Pic.
Envelope marked Exhibit No. 43-A, postmarked Fort Worth, Tex., June 13, 1951, return address M. Oswald 7408 Ewing, Fort Worth, Tex., contents marked Exhibit No. 43-B, a letter from my mother to myself, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Next exhibit?
Mr. Pic.
Envelope marked Exhibit No. 44--A postmarked Fort Worth, Tex., July 13, 1951, return address M. Oswald. 7408 Ewing, Fort Worth, Tex., contents marked Exhibit No. 44--B, a letter from my mother to myself, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Next exhibit?
Mr. Pic.
An envelope marked Exhibit No. 45-A, postmarked Fort Worth, Tex., February 8, 1952, return address M. Oswald 7408 Ewing, Fort Worth, Tex. Contents Exhibit No. 45-B, a letter from my mother to myself. sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Next exhibit?
Mr. Pic.
Envelope marked Exhibit No. 46-A, postmarked Fort Worth, Tex., May 8, 1952, M. Oswald, 7408 Ewing, Fort Worth, Tex., contents marked Exhibit No. 46-B, letter from my mother to myself.
Mr. Jenner.
The last of the series?
Mr. Pic.
An envelope marked Exhibit No. 47-A, postmarked Fort Worth, Tex., dated 5th of March 1952, return address M. Oswald 7408 Ewing, Fort Worth. Tex. Contents marked Exhibit No. 47-A also. The letter from my mother to myself.
Mr. Jenner.
OK, that is a mistake then. We will change that marking to Exhibit No. 47-B, which I am now doing.
The letters that have been identified with Exhibit No. 31-A and concluding with Exhibit No. 47-B, are all in the handwriting of your mother, are they not?
Mr. Pic.
That is correct. sir.
Mr. Jenner.
And it is correspondence which you received in due course an or about the dates or shortly after the dates that the various envelopes were postmarked?
Mr. Pic.
That is correct, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
And you have retained them in your possession in the entire time?
Mr. Pic.
That is correct, sir.

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