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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XI - Page 65« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of John Edward Pic Resumed)

Mr. Jenner.
standing up in back of that person. Do you recognize either of those young people?
Mr. Pic.
Yes; I recognize Lee Harvey Oswald.
Mr. Jenner.
Is he the one to which the black arrow is pointing?
Mr. Pic.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Then right below that is a picture of a young man standing in front of an iron fence, which appears to be probably at a zoo. Do you recognize that?
Mr. Pic.
Sir, from that picture, I could not recognize that that is Lee Harvey Oswald.
Mr. Jenner.
That young fellow is shown there, he doesn't look like you recall Lee looked in 1952 and 1953 when you saw him in New York City?
Mr. Pic.
No, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Commission Exhibit No. 284 do you recognize anybody in that picture that appears to be Lee Oswald?
Mr. Pic.
No, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
There is a young fellow in the foreground-everybody else is facing the other way. He is in a pantomime, or grimace. Do you recognize that as Lee Harvey Oswald?
Mr. Pic.
No, sir; looking at that picture and I have looked at it several times--that looks more like Robert than it does Lee, to my recollection.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. On Exhibit No. 286, the lower right-hand corner, there is another picture. Do you recognize that as your brother Lee in that picture?
Mr. Pic.
Yes, sir; that is about how he looked when I seen him in 1962, his profile.
Mr. Jenner.
Do you recognize the person, the lady to the right who is pointing her finger at him?
Mr. Pic.
No, sir; I don't.
Mr. Jenner.
Exhibit No. 287 is two figures, taking them from top to bottom and in the lower right-hand corner, do you recognize those?
Mr. Pic.
No, sir; I don't.
Mr. Jenner.
Neither one of them?
Mr. Pic.
No, sir. The lower one appears to me to look like Robert rather than Lee. The upper one, unless they tell me that, I would never guess that that would be Lee, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. Exhibit No. 288, there is ill the lower left-hand corner, there is a reproduction of a service card and a reproduction, also, of a photograph with the head of a man. Do you recognize that?
Mr. Pic.
That looks to me approximately how Lee Oswald looked when I seen him Thanksgiving 1962.
Mr. Jenner.
Directing your attention to Exhibit, Commission Exhibit No. 289, do you recognize any of the servicemen shown in that picture as your brother Lee?
Mr. Pic.
No, sir; I do not recognize them.
Mr. Jenner.
Exhibit No. 290, the lower left-hand corner there is a photograph of a young lady and a young man. Do you recognize either of those persons?
Mr. Pic.
He appears to me as Lee Harvey Oswald in 1962 when I seen him.
Mr. Jenner.
And the lady?
Mr. Pic.
She is his wife, Marina, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Commission Exhibit No. 291, at the bottom of the page, there is a picture of a young man handing out a leaflet, and another man to the left of him who is reaching out for it. Do you recognize the young man handing out the leaflet?
Mr. Pic.
No, sir; I would be unable to recognize him.
Mr. Jenner.
As to whether he was your brother?
Mr. Pic.
That is correct.
Mr. Jenner.
Exhibit No. 292, in the upper right-hand corner, is a picture of a lady, a young lady with a child. Do you recognize either of those persons?
Mr. Pic.
Yes; I recognize Marina Oswald.
Mr. Jenner.
And the baby?
Mr. Pic.
No, sir; I couldn't recognize the baby.
Mr. Jenner.
Below that is a picture purporting to be that of your brother with
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