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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XI - Page 250« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Charles W. Greener)

Mr. Liebeler.
You don't feel Ryder would do that?
Mr. Greener.
Not at all; no.
Mr. Liebeler.
When we look at this tag, it appears in the photograph that it is in two parts. There is a top part entitled "Repair Tag," on which writing pears, reading "Oswald, drill and tap, $4.50. Boresight, $1.50." Or a total of $6. And it appears at the lower part of the tag; it is in the form of a claim check; isn't that correct?
Mr. Greener.
Mr. Liebeler.
The tag number, as I have indicated, is 18374. Would I be correct in assuming that if this tag had been made up when a customer came in and left their rifle, that the part of the tag entitled "Claim Check" would ordinarily have been torn off and given to the customer?
Mr. Greener.
No; you are wrong in assuming that. Because I believe 19 out of 20 would not ask for a claim check. In the first place, 18 out of that 20 would lose the claim check before they got back, so if you are going to give them a claim check and stick to the thing, not letting them have the merchandise if they don't have the claim check--
Mr. Liebeler.
You are running into a lot of trouble from a business point of view?
Mr. Greener.
Yes; when they come back for the merchandise, I ask them what the name is, and if we have a gun to go by the name--
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you ordinarily tear off the claim check?
Mr. Greener.
No. If you look at the rack, you won't find one on the whole rack that has a claim check that has been torn off.
Mr. Liebeler.
There isn't any way you can tell from the number when the check was issued?
Mr. Greener.
No, because we got the tags dumped into a box, and we reach in and get a tag and tie it onto the merchandise and fill it out.
Mr. Liebeler.
I want to show you some pictures that have previously been marked in another part of these proceedings as Commission Exhibits Nos. 451, 453, 454, 455, and 456, and ask you if you recall ever seeing the person or persons depicted in these pictures?
Mr. Greener.
No; I don't believe I could identify him as ever having any dealings. Now there is a familiarity there, but I couldn't tie it with anything or anybody.
Mr. Liebeler.
You couldn't figure out in your mind why you think there is a familiarity to those pictures? Mr. GREENER. No.
Mr. Liebeler.
Had you ever seen those pictures before?
Mr. Greener.
Mr. Liebeler.
Has the FBI or Dallas Police Department ever shown you pictures and asked you to identify them?
Mr. Greener.
No; they haven't shown me pictures of anyone for identification.
Mr. Liebeler.
I want to show you another picture which is a photograph that has been marked Pizzo Exhibit No. 453-B, a photograph of an individual on a street, and one of them has been indicated by a green mark on the picture, and ask you to examine that picture and tell me if you have ever seen that man before?
Mr. Greener.
Not that I can recall now.
Mr. Liebeler.
I show you another photograph of a street scene which has been marked Pizzo Exhibit No. 453-A, and ask you if you recognize any of the people in that photograph? Two of them have been marked with a green marker, but don't confine your attention entirely to those two individuals. Tell me if you recognize any of the people in that picture?
Mr. Greener.
Mr. Liebeler.
Particularly I call your attention to the man who was standing immediately to the left of the man who is marked with the "X," rather than the line, not immediately to the left of him, then, but the second man to the left. He is standing there with a tie and he has some papers in his hand. Does he look familiar to you at all?
Mr. Greener.
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