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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XI - Page 161« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William Kirk Stuckey)

Mr. Stuckey.
Oswald; yes. It was a card on which there was a handwritten--it said "Mr." and then a blank, and a handwritten name "Lee Oswald" was in the center of the card. In the lower right-hand corner it was signed by A. Hidell, president.
Mr. Jenner.
Was this name familiar to you?
Mr. Stuckey.
No; as a matter of fact, I would like to explain this, that the name meant nothing to me at all, and the name never occurred to me again, I never thought of the name again, until after the assassination when Mr. Henry Wade of Dallas on television on a Sunday, I believe, mentioned that Oswald purchased a rifle from a Chicago mail-order house and had used the name A. Hidell in purchasing the rifle. When he said "A. Hidell" it hit me like, it was like a light bulb over my head, I recalled the name. Otherwise I would never have remembered the name. Oswald gave me some pieces of literature at this time. There were several-- I will mention them if you would like.
Mr. Jenner.
I wish you would.
Mr. Stuckey.
There were two speeches by Fidel Castro. One was "The Revolution Must Be a School of Unfettered Thought." Another was "Bureaucracy and Sectarianism." There was a pamphlet by Jean Paul Sartre, and this pamphlet was called "Ideology and Revolution." There was a pamphlet called "The Crime Against Cuba," by Corliss Lamont. I believe that is all the literature that he gave me at that time. I got some subsequently to that which, incidentally, Mr. Jenner, I promised you that pamphlet the last time I saw you, and I couldn't find it, but I have since found it, and I brought it up for you. I will give it to you now before I forget.
Mr. Jenner.
Yes. I will show you what is marked Garner Exhibit No. 1 and ask you if you recognize the person shown on that photograph.
Mr. Stuckey.
Yes; that is Lee Oswald.
Mr. Jenner.
Does it look like him as of the time that you interviewed him on Saturday, August 17?
Mr. Stuckey.
Almost exactly. He was dressed almost in exactly the same way, with a short-sleeved dress shirt, and a tie, and a black looseleaf notebook under his arm which apparently he used as a holder for literature.
Mr. Jenner.
I hand you a series of exhibits, Pizzo Exhibits Nos. 453-A, 453-B, and 453-C. Would you examine those and tell me whether your friend, Mr. Bringuier, is shown on any of those photographs?
Mr. Stuckey.
He is not there.
Mr. Jenner.
You were referring to Pizzo Exhibit No. 453-A; he is not on that one?
Mr. Stuckey.
No. Pizzo Exhibit 453-C is of Oswald alone.
Mr. Jenner.
Pizzo Exhibit 453-C is a picture of Oswald?
Mr. Stuckey.
Yes. Pizzo Exhibit 453-B is also Oswald, but Bringuier is not in the picture.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. We will mark the pamphlet you have brought with you, which is entitled "The Cuban Episode' and the American Press: April 9--23, 1961" as Stuckey Exhibit No. 1.

(The pamphlet was marked Stuckey Exhibit No. 1 for identification.)
Mr. Jenner.
Handing you Stuckey Exhibit No. 1, being a 15-page pamphlet--I guess it is 16 including the back cover--is that one of the pamphlets that he handed to you and exhibited to you on August 17 and Saturday morning when you interviewed him in his home?
Mr. Stuckey.
No; this is not one. I received this pamphlet that night when he showed up at the radio station.
Mr. Jenner.
We will go into it later on, but I think for purposes of identification. was it a pamphlet that he gave you?
Mr. Stuckey.
Yes; he gave it to me.
Mr. Jenner.
Prior to the radio broadcast you are about to describe?
Mr. Stuckey.
Immediately prior to that. Incidentally, I requested all the literature that he had.
Mr. Jenner.
You did?
Mr. Stuckey.
Yes; and he gave me everything he could find that morning
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