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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 360« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Floyd Guy Davis)

Mr. Liebeler.
I will show you an exhibit marked Pizzo 453-C, and ask you you recognize that individual as being one of those who were at your range on the date we have been discussing?
Mr. Davis.
I have saw that picture or similar one before.
Mr. Liebeler.
You have seen the picture before?
Mr. Davis.
I have seen a picture similar to him before. There was a scar on his head, but as far as that is concerned, I don't believe I have saw the individual.
Mr. Liebeler.
You can't identify that individual as either one of the two that was at the range?
Mr. Davis.
No, sir; definitely.
Mr. Liebeler.
Let me show you Exhibit 451 again and ask you if that individual appears to you to be the same individual as Lee Harvey Oswald, based on your observation of Oswald's picture in the newspaper and the press?
Mr. Davis.
That this is Lee Harvey Oswald?
Mr. Liebeler.
Yes. Does that appear to you to be Lee Harvey Oswald?
Mr. Davis.
No, sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
It does not?
Mr. Davis.
No, sir. This Mr. Price did say that Oswald was in an old model Chevrolet when he was out there on this Friday, the 9th, because it was late in the afternoon when he came out there.
And Mr. Price helped him sight that rifle in. Helped him sight the scope in on the rifle, and he had two comments to say about that rifle, sir.
I am not for sure, I don't know anything about it, but he said that the markings, all but the serial number had been filed off of this particular rifle.
Mr. Liebeler.
Mr. Price did say that?
Mr. Davis.
Yes, sir. And he said that the scope was the clearest scope that he had ever seen for a small scope.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he tell you what size scope it was?
Mr. Davis.
Yes; he told me, but as far as.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember what he said?
Mr. Davis.
Not the exact size of it. I know there was several different sizes of scopes on there.
Mr. Liebeler.
The size of this scope is measured in terms of power?
Mr. Davis.
Yes. There is 2, 2 1/2, 4, 6, and on up. And he knows the sizes, what he was talking about, but I don't know.
Mr. Liebeler.
How long have you known Mr. Price?
Mr. Davis.
Well, I have actually only known him since the rifle range opened. But two of his boys has helped us at the racetrack or helped my wife last summer at the racetrack, all summer. And as far as an individual person, I didn't know him until we opened the gun range, other than just to speak to him.
Mr. Liebeler.
How old a fellow is he?
Mr. Davis.
Mr. Price is approximately 35, and he does have a heart condition that the doctors won't let him work, as far as any work is concerned, and that is why he stays down at the range, more or less to wash it for us.
Mr. Liebeler.
In your opinion, is he a reliable fellow?
Mr. Davis.
He is very reliable, or I wouldn't have him down there.
Mr. Liebeler.
You don't think he would say he saw Oswald if he didn't in fact see him?
Mr. Davis.
No, sir. In fact, he told us about this before we called the FBI. But he was afraid--he's got five children, and he was afraid that it was some Communist plot or some gang that had done this, and he was afraid for his children, or he would have called them sooner.
Mr. Liebeler.
He is not a publicity seeker?
Mr. Davis.
No; he wasn't. I would say he was very sincere of this. It might have been a case about a double identity or someone that looked a lot like him. I would say definitely that he thought he saw him.
There was also some doctor or lawyer in Oak Cliff, and his son, that he he saw him out there on the 17th.
Mr. Liebeler.
Was that on the 17th?
Mr. Davis.
That was on the 17th.
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