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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 349« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Frank Pizzo)

Mr. Jenner.
453-A, over whose head he has put the green vertical stripe, has the hairline, but the man over whose head he has placed the cross has more of the facial likeness.
The person or persons depicted on Commission Exhibits Nos. 453 and 451, he says have a resemblance, but it is in his opinion not the man, and in any event the man on those two exhibits has more hair and does not have the particular hairline that impressed you on this occasion?
Mr. Pizzo.
That's right.
Mr. Jenner.
Am I fairly stating your testimony?
Mr. Pizzo.
That's right.
Mr. Jenner.
I am just trying to summarize for Mr. Davis.
Mr. Pizzo.
Thank you.
Mr. Jenner.
I now show you a document we will mark as Pizzo Exhibit 453-C.
(The instrument referred to was marked by .the reporter as Pizzo Exhibit No. 453-C, for identification.)
Mr. Jenner.
This is a picture of Lee Harvey Oswald that I'm about to show you and before I show it to you, may I say that the important thing to us--it is necessary for us to have your very best judgment, and if this isn't the person, we want to know it and to carry yourself back as best you can to that particular occasion when you saw this man at the door of your office, and if this isn't the man, tell us, and if it is--tell us, one way or the other.
Mr. Pizzo.
All right. That I will do. [Examining instrument referred to.]
Mr. Jenner.
The greatest service you can give to us and to the country and to yourself is to just be as fair as you possibly can.
Mr. Pizzo.
He certainly don't have the hairline I was describing--it isn't the hairline I was describing.
Mr. Jenner.
This was taken the afternoon of November 22 in the Dallas City Police showup.
(Discussion off the record.)
(Discussion between Counsel Jenner and Counsel Davis and the witness, Mr. Pizzo, off the record.)
Mr. Jenner.
Back on the record. You recall him as being more in the neighborhood of what--5 feet 8 inches, 5 feet 7 inches, more or less, or more or less?
Mr. Pizzo.
Between 5 feet 7 inches and 5 foot 8 1/2 inches with sort of a round forehead and that V shape is the thing that I remember the most.
Mr. Jenner.
A widow's peak?
Mr. Pizzo.
Yes; but very weak.
Mr. Jenner.
Very weak.
Mr. Pizzo.
Very weak--not the bushy type that I see in the picture. Well, if I'm not sure then--I have to say that he is not the one if you want the absolute statement.
Mr. Jenner.
I just want your best judgment--I don't want you to say he isn't because you feel you are compelled to state the ultimate. It is better for me to have your rumination about it, as you have been giving us--as to what you looked for, or didn't find and what you did look for in the photographs--what you did find and what you didn't find. Now, you don't find the hairline?
Mr. Pizzo.
No; I don't. From that picture I don't.
Mr. Jenner.
Yes; from any of the three pictures, except the one with the man with the stripe over his head?
Mr. Pizzo.
That's right--he has the sort of a hairline that I recollect.
Mr. Jenner.
That's the man with the one stripe over his head?
Mr. Pizzo.
I'll have to take a look again--this is the face it resembles.
Mr. Jenner.
The witness is now pointing to the man that has the cross over it.
Mr. Pizzo.
This is the hairline that I remember.
Mr. Jenner.
That is the man on the extreme right with the dark glasses, having a single vertical stripe above his head?
Mr. Pizzo.
Mr. Jenner.
And that picture of Mr. Oswald that I showed the witness, Pizzo Exhibit 453-C, in that picture, he does not have the hairline; is that correct?
Mr. Pizzo.
That's correct.
Mr. Jenner.
What about his facial expression--features?
Mr. Pizzo.
There's resemblance there. May I say something?
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