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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 342« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Frank Pizzo)

Mr. Pizzo.
When I went to work at that time yes. Now,. I stayed on when Mr. McAllister went on to Hamilton Chrysler- Plymouth and I stayed on as assistant manager at Downtown Lincoln-Mercury. We were working actually for the factory, because they were running the store---they had no president.
Mr. Jenner.
In which of the two agencies do you now work as of today?
Mr. Pizzo.
Hamilton Chrysler-Plymouth.
Mr. Jenner.
And you are what position there?
Mr. Pizzo.
Sales manager.
Mr. Jenner.
And you were what position--what position did you have with McAllister?
Mr. Pizzo.
You mean at Downtown Lincoln-Mercury or McAllister?
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Pizzo.
Assistant manager.
Mr. Jenner.
You were assistant manager?
Mr. Pizzo.
Mr. Jenner.
When did that work commence when did you start to work with McAllister?
Mr. Pizzo.
Around the 14th or 15th of May.
Mr. Jenner.
Of 1963?
Mr. Pizzo.
That's right.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you have an employee under your supervision and direction at that time by the name of Bogard?
Mr. Pizzo.
Yes, I did.
Mr. Jenner.
What is his full name?
Mr. Pizzo.
Albert G. Bogard.
Mr. Jenner.
Albert G. Bogard?
Mr. Pizzo.
Albert G. Bogard, that's correct.
Mr. Jenner.
And has he also worked over at the Hamilton agency?
Mr. Pizzo.
No, sir; he came from Ed Maher Ford.
Mr. Jenner.
That's M-a-h-e-r (spelling)?
Mr. Pizzo.
Yes--two words. When he applied for the job, he was working at Maher's.
Mr. Jenner.
Some of these salesmen are inclined to shift about, I guess?
Mr. Pizzo.
Yes---if they like the looks of a car this year--it might look a little better on this make of car, and you know, to them, it is all money, and they are going to move around, but a real good person will stay. He will stay in one place and build up a clientele.
Mr. Jenner.
With repeat sales?
Mr. Pizzo.
That's right. These boys--most of them live on floor traffic.
Mr. Jenner.
They wait for people to come in?
Mr. Pizzo.
Yes; they are not real working automobile salesmen.
Mr. Jenner.
In other words, I'll summarize you are a native-born American and a native of Rhode Isand, Providence?
Mr. Pizzo.
Yes, sir; and I served in the U.S. Marine Corps in World War II.
Mr. Jenner.
You did?
Mr. Pizzo.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
And you were in the used car business in Providence and you and your wife in due course came here to Dallas and she is a native of Texas, as you recited?
Mr. Pizzo.
Mr. Jenner.
And you were in the used car business there, and what was that town again?
Mr. Pizzo.
Mr. Jenner.
Could you spell it?
Mr. Pizzo.
L-u-f-k-i-n (spelling).
Mr. Jenner.
And then you became associated with Downtown Lincoln-Mercury?
Mr. Pizzo.
Mr. Jenner.
In May of 1963? Was there an incident that occurred sometime in 1963, but prior to November 22, 1963, involving somebody who might have been Lee Harvey Oswald?
Mr. Pizzo.
Yes; there was an incident.
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