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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 269« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Jesse Garner)

Mrs. Garner.
I don't know. Like I say, I am not too good at judging ages.
I would say in his late fifties or early sixties, something like that. He had a high forehead, a high peak right here, and kind of greyish.
Mr. Liebeler.
Could you describe him for us, please? Was he a white man?
Mrs. Garner.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he appear to be Spanish or Cuban extraction to you?
Mrs. Garner.
No, no, no.
Mr. Liebeler.
He was fair complected?
Mrs. Garner.
Mr. Liebeler.
Are those the only two people you ever saw visit Oswald?
Mrs. Garner.
Well, there was that Cuban or Spanish looking guy one time rang my bell in the late afternoon, kind of short, very dark black curly hair, and he had a stack of these same pamphlets in his hand he was spreading out on Canal Street there on the porch, and he had a stack of them in his hand and he asked me about Oswald, and I said he was living around on that side where the screen porch is, and I saw those things in his hand and I said, "You are not going to spread those things on my porch," and that was all, and I closed the door and went on about my business. I don't know, but I guess he went over there.
Mr. Liebeler.
How many pamphlets did this man have in his hand?
Mrs. Garner.
I don't know. You know how thin those things are, and he had a stack about that high.
Mr. Liebeler.
About 5 inches or 6 inches, maybe?
Mrs. Garner.
About that high.
Mr. Liebeler.
About the width of your hand?
Mrs. Garner.
Mr. Liebeler.
What color were they, do you remember?
Mrs. Garner.
That I can't remember. They looked like yellow and pink, all different colors.
Mr. Liebeler.
Approximately how old was this fellow?
Mrs. Garner.
Well, he was young. I don't believe he was young as Oswald, but he was young, in his thirties I guess.
Mr. Liebeler.
Was he as tall as Oswald?
Mrs. Garner.
No, he was shorter.
Mr. Liebeler.
Shorter than Oswald?
Mrs. Garner.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he wear Sunglasses, if you remember?
Mrs. Garner.
No, he didn't have sunglasses on because it was so late in the evening, just about dark.
Mr. Liebeler.
Was he of a light build, or was he heavy set?
Mrs. Garner.
No, I wouldn't say. He wasn't light, wasn't heavy; he was in between that.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he have an accent, do you remember?
Mrs. Garner.
Yes. That's why I said he was either Spanish or Cuban. I don't know. He speaks broken English, like.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you tell the FBI about this gentleman coming there?
Mrs. Garner.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you mention to the FBI that this man had.
Mrs. Garner.
The pamphlet?
Mr. Liebeler.
The pamphlets.
Mrs. Garner.
Mr. Liebeler.
You told that to the FBI?
Mrs. Garner.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember approximately when this fellow came to see Oswald?
Mrs. Garner.
That I don't remember. I know it was around that time, just right after he was picked up on Canal Street for distributing them. It was a few days after that.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you learn about his arrest?
Mrs. Garner.
Mr. Liebeler.
On Canal Street?
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