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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 21« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Everett D. Glover)

Mr. Glover.
This evening several people talked to Oswald. I talked very little.
Mr. Jenner.
English or Russian?
Mr. Glover.
No I don't remember whether there was any conversation in Russian or not. I really didn't talk hardly any to the Oswalds, any myself that evening. I know I remember that Volkmar Schmidt talked with him considerably, but he did not talk in Russian. Volkmar talked English.
Mr. Jenner.
Does Volkmar Schmidt have command of the Russian language?
Mr. Glover.
He has no command of Russian, although Norman Fredricksen and Pierce and Volkmar all had started to study Russian. There was a course at the school. I believe there was a course at the laboratory, a private teacher was giving classes. They all three started to take, but Volkmar and Pierce stopped, and Fredricksen was the only one who continued.
Mr. Jenner.
Is the name Voshinin familiar to you?
Mr. Glover.
Mr. Jenner.
Was he the instructor or the tutor for Fredricksen and Pierce?
Mr. Glover.
I do not believe so. I don't think that is the---I am quite sure that is not the same person at all. The facts I have about the teacher, it was a man who worked for some oil company here in Dallas who taught classes on the side. Maybe he was an interpreter, or maybe he was in the laboratory in geology for an oil company, but he was teaching on the side.
Mr. Jenner.
Voshinin worked for Sun, did he not?
Mr. Glover.
Not the Voshinin that I know. I know one Voshinin, and he is teaching in the Chemical Engineering School of SMU. And his wife does translating. Now I don't know of any other Voshinin. I don't recall the name very well of this man who was teaching, but Fredricksen ended up by taking Russian lessons from an older woman who, I think, was related to a woman who---I beg your pardon, Fredricksen took lessons later from a woman who was related to the man who worked for some oil company, who had originally given classes, and that woman's name I do not remember.
Mr. Jenner.
His mother-in-law? Voshinin's mother-in-law, Mrs. Gravitis?
Mr. Glover.
She had some kind of a name she was known by. I am quite sure I can't remember whether it was Voshinin--it is not the Voshinin that teaches at SMU.
Mr. Jenner.
It is a different one?
Mr. Glover.
The only Voshinin I know is the man that teaches at SMU.
Mr. Jenner.
Does anything stand out in your mind on this initial meeting which you met Lee Oswald? And if so, would you please state it.
Mr. Glover.
Well, the story from the beginning that the De Mohrenschildts told, and the meeting on this first occasion, I didn't talk very much to him--was a perplexing business to me.
In the first place, when he [De Mohrenschildt] told the story, I didn't believe it was possible for any one to go to Russia and work as he did and come back to this country. I doubted it was quite possible. And I mentioned this fact to some of the people I worked with. One fellow was particularly anti-Russian in every way, and he thought this easily possible for a person to do this, that this made sense.
In other words, that I was dubious of the story from the beginning. The thing that I kept thinking all the time, and this is apparently where I made a mistake, was that, if someone in his position had done what he said and brought a Russian wife here, that certainly would be known by the authorities, the FBI particularly, and that if a person like he were running around the way he was and doing what he was doing, then he would be someone who is known very well by the FBI people. I told the FBI about this, and I also told them what De Mohrenschildt had written to me quite recently.
Mr. Jenner.
Tell me about that.
Mr. Glover.
De Mohrenschildt told me in a letter that Oswald had been checked by the FBI----
Mr. Jenner.
Do you have it?
Mr. Glover.
I gave it to the FBI. They have the letter. He stated in the letter that he had asked the FBI about this man, and I don't remember the words he used in the letter, but they are in that letter, but words to the effect
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