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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 19« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Everett D. Glover)

Mr. Glover.
Now I did not recall, I just talked with the other people who lived in the house, and we figured it must have been about that time. And other people present recalled this, so this is how I figured the whole business. And I know I met Marina previous to that time.
I know I was away for a week in February when I went on a business trip to Pennsylvania, and so I assume it was somewhere in January, but I really do not remember.
Again, if I had to recall those events, I might be able to. I can remember some of the events, but I am not very sure about it.
Mr. Jenner.
When next did you meet Marina after this occasion?
Mr. Glover.
Well, again, I am not sure at all about those occasions. She would come and stay at the house, and if I came in from playing tennis with George, she might have been there. This may have happened two or three times.
Mr. Jenner.
There came an occasion, did there not, in which you met Lee Oswald?
Mr. Glover.
Yes; when I met Lee Oswald the first time, was at their house.
Mr. Jenner.
Did Marina accompany the De Mohrenschildts on that occasion?
Mr. Glover.
That's right.
Mr. Jenner.
When was that and how did that arise, and what was the circumstance?
Mr. Glover.
The only thing I can remember about this, is again to fix this with respect to the other meeting when he and his wife, Oswald and his wife, came to my house, and that was apparently in late February, so it must have been previous to that.
Mr. Jenner.
Does the date February 22, 1963, refresh your recollection as to the occasion they came to your home?
Mr. Glover.
Well, I think I remember in the conversation with the FBI they mentioned a date about Washington's Birthday.
Mr. Jenner.
It is not Lincoln's?
Mr. Glover.
I think it was Washington's Birthday, but I don't remember dates, so I had no actual recollection of the specific date.
Mr. Jenner.
Yes; that is Washington's Birthday. [Checking calendar.]
Mr. Glover.
The only thing I have a hazy recollection about, that it was on a Tuesday or Wednesday of the week.
Mr. Jenner.
Washington's Birthday in 1963, was on a Friday.
Mr. Glover.
Maybe it was. My recollection isn't worth much on this.
Mr. Jenner.
It was the latter part of February, in any event, of 1963?
Mr. Glover.
The meeting at which I first met Oswald was just previous to the meeting where I met Oswald and his wife the second time.
Mr. Jenner.
There were two occasions when you met Oswald and his wife?
Mr. Glover.
That's right The first one was at the De Mohrenschildts.
Mr. Jenner.
Excuse me, we have one meeting described which you set in the early part of the year, Marina alone. That is, she was unaccompanied by her husband, and you met her at the De Mohrenschildts?
Mr. Glover.
Mr. Jenner.
There might have been some additional occasions when you saw her at the De Mohrenschildts prior to your having met Lee Oswald?
Mr. Glover.
That's right.
Mr. Jenner.
Now what was the circumstance under which you had your first meeting or first occasion that you met Lee Oswald?
Mr. Glover.
On that occasion the De Mohrenschildts invited the two Oswalds and invited quite a number of other people I was included--to their house.
Mr. Jenner.
About when was this?
Mr. Glover.
Well, this was just previous to the time that Oswald and his wife came to my house, so I would say it was just a few days or a week before that.
Mr. Jenner.
At the De Mohrenschildts, who was present on that occasion?
Mr. Glover.
This is where I have difficulty in recollection. Several times the De Mohrenschildts had invited me to their house for dinner, when he had informal dinners, and I am not really sure at all who was present I am
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