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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. I - Page 64« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald Resumed)

Mrs. Oswald.
landlady asked me, I told her I was from Russia. I told Lee about it that evening, and he scolded me for having said that.
Mr. Rankin.
What did you say to him then?
Mrs. Oswald.
That the landlady was very nice and she was very good to me and she was even pleased with the fact that I was from Russia.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you object to your husband saying that you were from some country other than Russia?
Mrs. Oswald.
Of course.
Mr. Rankin.
What did you say to him about that?
Mrs. Oswald.
I am not ashamed of the fact that I am from Russia. I can even be proud of the fact that I am Russian. And there is no need for me to hide it. Every person should be proud of his nationality and not be afraid or ashamed of it.
Mr. Rankin.
What did he say in response to that?
Mrs. Oswald.
Mr. Rankin.
When he gave the fictitious name, did he use the name Hidell?
Mrs. Oswald.
Mr. Rankin.
When you called him that time.
Mrs. Oswald.
Mr. Rankin.
On the weekend, when you called him, you said there was a fictitious name given.
Mrs. Oswald.
I don't know what name he had given. He said that he as under a fictitious name, but he didn't tell me which.
Mr. Rankin.
Have you ever heard that he used the fictitious name Hidell?
Mrs. Oswald.
Mr. Rankin.
When did you first learn that he used such a name?
Mrs. Oswald.
In New Orleans.
Mr. Rankin.
How did you learn that?
Mrs. Oswald.
When he was interviewed by some anti-Cubans, he used this name and spoke of an organization. I knew there was no such organization. And I know that Hidell is merely an altered Fidel, and I laughed at such foolishness. My imagination didn't work that way.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you say anything to him about it at that time?
Mrs. Oswald.
I said that it wasn't a nice thing to do and some day it would be discovered anyhow.
Mr. Rankin.
Now, the weekend of November 15th to 17th, which was the weekend before the assassination, do you know what your husband did or ow he spent that weekend while he was in Dallas?
Mrs. Oswald.
No, I don't.
Mr. Rankin.
Do you know whether he took the rifle before he went into Dallas, that trip, for that weekend?
Mrs. Oswald.
I don't know. I think that he took the rifle on Thursday when he came the next time, but I didn't see him take it. I assume that. I cannot know it.
Mr. Rankin.
Except for the time in New Orleans that you described. and the time you called to Dallas to ask for your husband, do you know of any other time your husband was using an assumed name?
Mrs. Oswald.
No, no more.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you think he was using that assumed name in connection with this Fair Play for Cuba activity or something else?
Mrs. Oswald.
The name Hidell, which you pronounced Hidell, was in connection with his activity with the non-existing organization.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you and your husband live under the name Hidell in New Orleans?
Mrs. Oswald.
Mr. Rankin.
You were never identified as the Hidells, as far as you knew, while you were there?
Mrs. Oswald.
No. No one knew that Lee was Hidell.
Mr. Rankin.
How did you discover it, then?
Mrs. Oswald.
I already said that when I listened to the radio, they spoke of that name, and I asked him who, and he said that it was he.
Mr. Rankin.
Was that after the arrest?
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