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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. I - Page 481« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of James Herbert Martin)

Mr. Rankin.
But you don't know what was done with them?
Mr. Martin.
Mr. Rankin.
Because you weren't present.
Do you know whether she understood English enough to read those contracts at that time?
Mr. Martin.
No. She couldn't have read the contracts at that time. But she said she understood it sufficiently, and that she would trust Robert's judgment on it.
Mr. Rankin.
When did she say that?
Mr. Martin.
Just before I guess the same day she signed it.
Mr. Rankin.
I will ask you to look at Exhibit No. 279 and tell us whether you recognize the signatures on that?
Mr. Martin.
Mr. Rankin.
Whose signatures are they?
Mr. Martin.
Mrs. Marina N. Oswald and James H. Martin.
Mr. Rankin.
In the parts that are stricken out----
Mr. Martin.
John M. Thorne.
Mr. Rankin.
On Exhibit No. 279 were those stricken out before the discussion of the contract?
Mr. Martin.
Mr. Rankin.
Was that done when you were there?
Mr. Martin.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you observe the signing?
Mr. Martin.
Mr. Leech.
They were not signed the date it says they were signed.
Mr. Martin.
On the 5th.
Mr. Leech.
The date it says they were signed that is the date they were drawn up but they were all signed the same time, weren't they, Mr. Martin?
Mr. Martin.
Mr. Rankin.
Can you tell us what the facts are in that regard, Mr. Martin?
Mr. Martin.
The contracts were drawn--let's see-the contracts were drawn and Robert wanted to go over them, so we held it in abeyance. I think he was there on a Sunday and he came back on a Tuesday, I am not sure about the days, and signed the contracts.
Mr. Rankin.
Do you know the signature of Marina Oswald?
Mr. Martin.
Mr. Rankin.
Will you tell us whether or not Exhibit No. 279 bears her signature?
Mr. Martin.
Yes, it does.
Mr. Rankin.
It appears to be witnessed by you, is that your signature?
Mr. Martin.
Mr. Rankin.
And the acceptance at the bottom of Exhibit No. 279, do you know whose signature that is?
Mr. Martin.
John Thorne's.
Mr. Rankin.
And you say that the exhibit was, the contract, Exhibit No. 279 was executed on the 6th rather than the 5th day of December.
Mr. Martin.
Well, I can't recall the dates on it.
Mr. Leech.
Excuse me for just a minute.
(Discussion off the record.)
Mr. Leech.
Counsel, for what it is worth, Robert's was executed at the same time as the other ones. I believe his is dated the 9th, isn't it? So it would have been the 9th or afterwards. They were all executed at the same time.
Mr. Rankin.
Mr. Martin, do you know that?
Mr. Martin.
I know they were all executed the same time.
Mr. Rankin.
Whether or not it was the 9th or the 6th you don't recall at this time?
Mr. Martin.
No. I am fairly certain it was not the 6th.
Mr. Rankin.
Are you certain what date it was?
Mr. Martin.
Mr. Rankin.
What is your best recollection in that regard?
Mr. Martin.
Well, it was several days after the contracts were drawn that
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