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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. I - Page 378« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Robert Edward Oswald Lee Resumed)

Mr. Jenner.
Which leads you to believe necessarily then-that he received your response to his letter of November 26.
Mr. Oswald.
That is correct, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Did he state that he had received that photograph in a letter that he wrote you or was that orally after he returned to the United States.
Mr. Oswald.
I believe this was orally, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
After he returned to the United States?
Mr. Oswald.
Yes, sir, that is correct.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, returning to his short stay at Fort Worth upon his being discharged from the Marines, what do you recall, if anything, of any discussion respecting his financial status at that time, that is whether he was in funds and if so, what volume of funds.
Mr. Oswald.
I was not aware of his financial situation at that time.
Mr. Jenner.
Was it discussed?
Mr. Oswald.
Not that I recall, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Did any member of the family, during that period of time, ever discuss with you, having in turn discussed that subject matter with Lee?
Mr. Oswald.
No, sir, they did not.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you ever have a conversation with your mother prior to November 22, 1963 respecting Lee's financial status at the period of time when he was immediately-right at the time he was discharged from the Marines?
Mr. Oswald.
No, sir; I did not. I do not remember one.
Mr. Jenner.
So that up to November 22, 1963, there was never any discussion in which you participated or which you overheard on that subject?
Mr. Oswald.
That is correct, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, with respect to the remaining series of letters, were you ever advised while your brother Lee was in Russia how much money he was given or earned?
Mr. Oswald.
While he was----
Mr. Jenner.
Or he received?
Mr. Oswald.
While he was in Russia employed?
Mr. Jenner.
While he was in Russia.
Mr. Oswald.
While he was in Russia.
Mr. Jenner.
Either from his employment or by gift.
Mr. Oswald.
Yes, sir; there is a reply in one of these letters that I received from Lee from Russia stating how much he was making while employed in Russia.
Mr. Jenner.
The letter will, of course, be the best evidence of that. Did he say it in terms of dollars or in terms of rubles, what is your recollection?
Mr. Oswald.
In both, sir. I believe he stated it in the words rubles and in parentheses in the amount of American dollars.
Mr. Jenner.
I see, we will find that out.
Mr. Oswald.
And I believe on a monthly basis.
Mr. Jenner.
Did he ever write you as to whether he had received any money by way of gift from any agency in Russia?
Mr. Oswald.
No, sir.
Mr. Mckenzie.
Mr. Jenner, I respectfully submit that the letters themselves would be the best evidence.
Mr. Jenner.
You are undoubtedly correct and I will desist.
Did you have any discussion with him on that subject after he returned from Russia?
Mr. Oswald.
No, sir, I did not.
Mr. Jenner.
Or on the subject of his earnings in Russia?
Mr. Oswald.
None that I recall, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you receive any packages or gifts from Russia while your brother was there?
Mr. Oswald.
Yes, sir; I did.
Mr. Jenner.
What did you receive?
Mr. Oswald.
Mr. Jenner.
And give the approximate times.
Mr. Oswald.
There again, sir, there is a letter from Lee in Russia stating that he had sent a gift or gifts to us at my residence in Fort Worth, Tex. I
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