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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. I - Page 190« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Marguerite Oswald Resumed)

Mr. Rankin.
What else is there now in regard to Marina that caused you to think she conspired to kill President Kennedy?
Mrs. Oswald.
Yes--because everything is laid out in Mrs. Paine's home and Marina's home. The gun was in the garage.
Mr. Rankin.
Well, that doesn't make Marina do it, does it?
Mrs. Oswald.
No, but Marina told the police that the gun was there the night before. She saw the gun in the garage the night before. She didn't see Lee take it that morning. But she made a statement that she saw the gun the night before.
The pictures of Lee with the rifle came from that home. If Lee is going to assassinate the President or anybody else, is he going to have photographs laying all around with the gun? No, sir.
And there is too much evidence pointing to the assassination and my son being the guilty one in this particular house.
All through the testimony, sir, everything has come from this particular house. And so I am a thinking person, I have to think.
Mr. Rankin.
Why does that show that Marina had anything to do with the conspiracy?
Mrs. Oswald.
Well, we are speculating, let's say. Marina is not happy. Lee can't give her any money and things. And she has made friends with these Russian folks that have cars and homes. And they are not happy because this Russian girl doesn't have anything. They are not happy about that.
And I am trying to show the disposition of the girl.
I love my daughter-in-law even now. Believe me, it is a sore spot to have to say this. But I have to face these facts of what I know.
Mr. Rankin.
You realize it is a very serious charge.
Mrs. Oswald.
Yes, sir. And it is also a serious charge that my son is the assassin of President Kennedy.
You see, we have two sides here. It is a very serious charge, because no one saw him shoot the President. And yet this is an international affair. And the conclusion has come to the conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald has shot President Kennedy, and he alone. Lee Harvey Oswald, or Mr. J. Lee Rankin, or anyone in this room could not have been in that many places in 29 minutes time. It is utterly impossible.
And this has been gone over by hundreds of people. There are investigations. I have 1,500 letters, sir-not just letters of sympathy-people that are investigating this. And I don't read all thoroughly, and I am a layman. But he step by step has been taken, from what the reports said-that he was on the sixth floor, and then they saw him in the cafeteria drinking a Coca Cola, and the President came. Then he had to leave the building. He had so many blocks to walk before he caught a bus. He had to board the bus, he had to pay his fare, he had to get out of the bus, then he walked a few blocks, then he caught a taxicab, paid the taxi man, then he walked a few blocks, went to his home and got a coat. Then he walked a few more blocks and shot the policeman. Then he walked a few more blocks and he was in the theater.
In 29 minutes time it cannot be done.
So I am convinced my son, and my son alone, if he is involved--I am a human being, and I say my son could have shot the President, and he could have been involved. I am not the type mother to think that he is perfect and he could not do it. But I say he did not do it alone if he did it. Because it is utterly impossible:
And I do not believe my son did it.
I think my son was framed because, gentlemen--would his rifle be in the sixth floor window of the depository --unless you want to say my son was completely out of his mind. And yet there has been no statement to that effect. Wade has publicly said on the television when it happened that he is sane, he is well reasoned, he knows what he did. And Lee never did break, with his black eyes. He kept saying he was innocent. And yet in 12 hours time he was proven guilty. That doesn't make sense to me, an ordinary layman. So I have to consider who is involved.
Now, I am telling you that this girl was not happy with her situation. She had turned against me twice.
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