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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. I - Page 11« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald)

Mrs. Oswald.
seems to me that perhaps he was envious of them in the sense they were more prosperous than he was. When I told him, when I would say that to him he did not like to hear that.
Perhaps I shouldn't say these foolish things and I feel kind of uncomfortable to talk about the foolish things that happened or what he said foolish things.
This is one of the reasons why I don't know really the reasons for these quarrels because sometimes the quarrels were just trifles. It is just that Lee was very unrestrained and very explosive at that time.
Mr. Rankin.
Mrs. Oswald, we will ask you to be very frank with us. It isn't for the purpose of embarrassing you or your husband that we ask you these things but it might help us to understand and even if you will tell us the foolish and stupid things it may shed some light on the problem. You understand that?
Mrs. Oswald.
I understand you are not asking these questions out of curiosity but for a reason.
Mr. Rankin.
Did your husband indicate any particular Russian friends that he disliked more than others?
Mrs. Oswald.
He liked De Mohrenschildt but he because he was a strong person, but only De Mohrenschildt. He did not like Bouhe or Anna Meller.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you ever tell him you liked these people?
Mrs. Oswald.
Yes, I told him all the time that I liked these people and that is why he was angry at me and would tell me that I was just like they were. At one time I left him and went to my friends because he put me into--put me on the spot by saying, "Well, if you like your friends so much then go ahead and live with them," and he left me no choice.
Mr. Rankin.
When was this, Mrs. Oswald?
Mrs. Oswald.
On Elsbeth Street.
Mr. Rankin.
How long were you gone from him then?
Mrs. Oswald.
One week.
Mr. Rankin.
Did he ask you to return?
Mrs. Oswald.
Yes. I took June and I went to Anna Meller, took a cab and went there. I spent several days with her. Lee didn't know where I was but he called up and about 2 or 3 days after I came to and we met at De Mohrenschildt's house and he asked me to return home. I, of course, did not want a divorce but I told him it would be better to get a divorce rather than to continue living and quarreling this way. After all this is only a burden on a man if two people live together and fight. I simply wanted to show him, too, that I am not a toy. That a woman is a little more complicated. That you cannot trifle with her.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you say anything at that time about how he should treat you if you returned?
Mrs. Oswald.
Yes. I told him if he did not change his character, then it would become impossible to continue living with him. Because if there should be such quarrels continuously that would be crippling for the children.
Mr. Rankin.
What did he say to that?
Mrs. Oswald.
Then he said that it would be--it was very hard for him. That he could not change. That I must accept him, such as he was. And he asked me to come back home with him right on that day but he left feeling bad because I did not go and remained with my friend.
Mr. Rankin.
What did you say about accepting him as he was?
Mrs. Oswald.
I told him I was not going to. Of course, such as he was for me he was good, but I wanted simply for the sake of the family that he would correct his character. It isn't that I didn't mean to say he was good for me, I meant to say that I could stand him, but for the sake of the children I wanted him to improve his behavior.
Mr. Rankin.
Then did he get in touch with you again?
Mrs. Oswald.
At that time there was very little room at Anna Meller's and it was very uncomfortable and I left and went to Katya Ford whose husband at that time happened to be out of town on business. I spent several days with Katya Ford but then when her husband returned I did not want to remain with her. And it was on a Sunday morning then when I moved over to Anna Ray. Lee called me and said he wanted to see me, that he had come by bus and he wanted to see me and he came that evening and he cried and said that he
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