The John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage

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Dear Readers,

This section is closed, no more entries can be submitted. It seems to be impossible to establish a serious and neutral discussion, without any assaults, harrasments, blames etc. Interesting enough, 99 percentages of those disturbances were caused by defenders of the Lone Assassin Theory. I am tired of editing and filtering blames and accusations after 15 years.

Sorry for this. Keep asking questions! One day, they will be heard...


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On 04-Jan-2006, g stomberg wrote:

it is very clear that l h o did not shoot anyone, most likely he was an informant on anti castro activities and was framed by the people in power who benefitted from the murder, from lbj on down to mary edgar hoover, clinton demanded they release all files pertaining to his execution but the files are still closed to the public.

On 03-Jan-2006, chelsea wrote:

i think there was another gun man behind all the lee did not act alone

On 20-Dec-2005, Scott wrote:

i personally think Johnson had something to do wit it and jack ruby killed oswald to keep his mouth shut!

On 16-Dec-2005, Study The Past wrote:

I was in Dallas this summer and spent an afternoon touring Dealy Plaza. I can honestly say that just standing there I felt a sense of awe. The area was a perfect ambush site. The Warren Commisions report just can't be accepted as fact. What my personal observations led me to believe........... Why, if Oswald was the lone killer, would he wait until the car turned in front of the TSBD and shoot when his vision was blocked by the tree? He had a clear shot BEFORE the turn onto Elm. Why was he in such a non-chalant manner getting ready to perform the assasination? The motorcade was 9-12 minutes behind schedule. He was seen as late as 12:20 in the 2nd floor lunch room? Lone Nut seeking attention? Why did he deny shooting anyone? Too many issues to raise only one final observation. If you ever go to Dallas and see the view from behind the picket fence you will be amazed at what an easy shot that was. It is a much smaller area live than on TV. JFK rest in peace but Americans beware...the machine that killed him is now 40+ years stronger.

On 10-Dec-2005, Hannah wrote:

I am 14 years old.. and this whole thing even though it happened way before i was born.. totally fascinates me. i have watched the JFK movie several times and watched stuff about his assasination on the discovery channel.i truly believe that there had to be at least two shooters being that the fatal shot came from infront.. MY dad told me once that Fletcher Prouty (Mr. X) said something like " A president cant be assasinated unless someone on the inside lets their guard down." Someone on the inside cleary had to help out.

On 08-Dec-2005, Lawrence wrote:

Saw this article. Has anyone heard of this before? Or seen the PBS special?

"JFK, The Mob, and Coffee - The flavor of Chicago Filmmaking"

Original article I found at:

On 27-Nov-2005, Elston Gunn wrote:

There is one simple way to find out if there were more than one gunman: weigh the magic bullet that was found at Parkland on a stretcher. Find out how much weight is missing from the bullet(by comparing it with the same bullet in its unfired condition). Then weigh the bullet fragments which were removed from Governor Connaly. If the weight of the fragments in Connaly are more than is missing from the magic bullet, then the magic bullet is obviously not the only bullet. That would indicate a 4th shot. Also remember, there were fragments still left in Connaly's body that were never removed. These remaining fragments would have to be taken from the exhumed body of the former Texas governor. It simply astonishes me that this has never been done. This is solid, mathematical proof. I personally feel that there was more bullet fragments in Governor Connaly than was missing from the magic bullet. This is hard evidence that would dispell the entire Warren Commission Report. Simple math people, simple math.

On 24-Nov-2005, lubo wrote:

I've read a few books about all of this, and the one that sparked my interest most was by someone named Easterling. My only ambition was to live overseas and be happy, though, and so this JFK thing was like a mill stone around my neck. Now the best answer as to what it was all about is this. Over the other side of town was Guthrie Street, and a brewery and a gas works, and a train line, and miles and miles of "poor people." It is presumed that was who and why Woodie Guthrie came to prominence. Why Bob Dylan had to visit him. There's also Oswald Street there and Burroughs Street, so with the latter you get a link supposedly to the world of heroin addiction and the entire shady-seedy thing. Somehow, that's why it happened. And from that perspective you learn there were so many in the "media" who knew that, years ago, and made so much as to be sickening. L Ron Hubbard too, knew it.[But I lived in South Australia a place founded by Colonel Light, as if it were, In the beginning and you know that can never be right. So it's a place which is like the opposite to the truth, The Bible, or is the "anti" place.]

On 24-Nov-2005, JLW wrote:

Four facts lead me to think JFK assassination was a big in-house conspiracy, with a dose of Military, FBI and Cuban involvement --obviously, I mean only certain heads of each of these organizations:

The obvious, numerous, non-coincidental blunders on the investigation itself. The LHO and Robert K. follow-up assassination. The failed military backup to the Cuban Cochinos bay assault, coupled with the fact that in the White House it was known of JFK's will to end Vietnam war after re-election.

But now, let us look into the future, and lean the shoulder to our leaders,

--with our prayers, if we do not know best; because, the doubt benefit ought to be given to be fair on Iran afair.

On 21-Nov-2005, Aimee Bose wrote:

I think that Oswald was the main culprit but he did have some back-up from the Grassy Knoll in the shape of a sniper.

On 17-Nov-2005, Chelsee wrote:

But, you see it doesn't enter directly at the back of his head.. It is more to the side.. How can you have such a one track mind?? Look out side the box and all the other possiblities..

On 12-Nov-2005, joey cambra wrote:

"he who learns must suffer forever in our sleep pain we cannot forget falls drop to drop upon the heart when until in despair against our will becomes wisdom to our hearts by the awful grace of god" robert f kennedy.... john f kennedy our own goverment at least in john f kennedy's case was murdered by our own protector's

On 10-Nov-2005, jon wesley wrote:

after the plethora of conspiracy theories some of which should have been near the mark some so off base its untrue we still are no nearer the truth as to why jfk was taken out. i believe , even in one hundred years time we will be no nearer as to who was responsible, people can postulate but no one will ever no the truth.

me?cia coercian without a shadow of a doubt. respect to mark lane for plausible denial the best conspiracy theory so far.

On 27-Sep-2005, Leigh Apted wrote:

...'It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma',the murder of JFK how it was described by Joe Pesci as David Ferrie in the movie by Oliver Stone.

I happen to agree,there are so many layers surrounding the JFK assassination that the real people behind such an act will never come to justice because of 'plausable deniability.'

Still it amazes me that forces within the governmant are so powerful to overthrow a president by killing him in view of the entire world...and get away with it.

I've read many books,seen the documentary's and films,i have even been to Dallas and checked out the whole of Dealey Plaza for myself(i don't exactly live just around the corner either-Birmingham England-not Alabama!)

There was definately more than one shooter,logical evidence supports this,photographic and home movie evidence.Lee Harvey Oswald was put together from day one and was what he said he was 'a patsy.'

Zapruder's footage still intrigues for many reasons,the main being the little girl in red and white who is waving frantically as the motorcade passes the front of the Texas School Book Depository;firstly she can keep up with the motorcade-regulation speed-i don't think so.Secondly watch what happens when Kennedy stops waving the little girl stops dead in tracks as if in shock and immediately stops waving.I have since found out that Kennedy stopped waving because of a noise which sounded like a car back firing-well if that is the case the presendential aides false alarm or not would have been all over the limozine if they were doing their job..or were they told to stay back?The little girl in my opinion stops dead in her tracks because she realises something is wrong,childrens senses are supposed to be heightened,and when the girl stops waving is when in my opinion the shooting started.

Mega praise to Oliver Stone and JFK.Just listened to the director's commentary on the movie...incredible check it out.

Ultimately Tthe JFK Assassination raises more questions than it does answers and always will do thats why 42 yrs on amateur researchers like myself will join the professionals and continue to search for the truth.


On 21-Sep-2005, Mark wrote:

I have read many, books over the last 20 years concerning the assassination. I often get excited by one theory or another until I read the next set of suppositions that are published. I always come back to the same few common sense issues concerning Oswald and his "other identities as a double agent,Patsy etc... I find it impossible to believe that he could have been in any way involved in the intelligence world on a high level. First he was dislexic and a terrible speller. How could someone who was supposedly a high level operative be as impulsive and unreliable as he was throghout his life. They just dont recruit people like that (even then). He was always dirt poor. I realise that being poor white trash might be a GREAT cover for an intelligence operative but come on!!

Why would HE want to live like that if he was getting paid for intelligence work?He never lived as well as he did in Russia but that still is not saying much. This being said I also feel strongly that with the poor tool that he had in the Italian Carbine that he used it would be near impossible for him to have been the sole gunman in this plot, He showed that he was more then willing to pull the trigger when he shot at Gen. Walker earlier and was most likely the gunman at the 6th floor window. He might have been fulfilling his own twisted fantasy at the same moment that others were carrying out an attempt for purely unrelated motives (the worst kind of deadly coincidence). Or he was part of a plot involving another shooter that convinced him to participate for some reason. His weapon was a piece of junk, or the perfect killing machine according to what book you read. The number of shots and the space allotted for the shooting have never been reconciled enough for my liking to pin him as the "Lone" killer that the Warren commision labelled him as.The "huge" conspiracy that many people surmise could never have been maintained into the present day. I think it was something small and might have been limited to Oswald and one or two others that were shooting from ahead of the motorcade somewhere that has never come to light.I think that a lot of the lingering doubt has risen from the goverments trying to cover up the fact that Oswald and some of his contacts were known to various federal agencies at the time of the assassination. His prior association with David Ferrie and Clay Shaw have been proven and documented of late and they DID have some murky connections to the Anti- Castro CIA (plus they were wierd guys!) I think that the State department, FBI, and CIA all looked like idiots for letting Oswald slide under the radar right up until the assassination and this combined with the political climate at the time basically forced the Warren Comission to reach its myopic and obviously incomplete conclusions!

On 18-Sep-2005, aN wrote:

what i find is a shame is that the fact that there are many books written and sold about jfk conspiracy and this is used as an "evil motive" for whoever tries to say anything about a conspiracy.

people like pjk claim that the sale of conspiracy books is the reason why we're doing this and a main reason why the conspiracy theory is garbage. its sole purpose being to sell books. but that makes no sense. selling books?? I don't think such huge and costly investigations and research would have been done if the only purpose was to sell books. plus there are a very high number of books that claim oswald acted alone. so that argument could also support the exact opposite point of view. How else would you expect such a huge lie (or any huge lie) to be exposed if it wasnt for books and movies that happen to make some money. its impossible to try to spread this knowledge without any money being involved in book sales and such...

so why else would anybody be doing this!? its because we want the truth, its simple. its genuine interest in the truth that drives us to dig deeper and ask questions.

do you think were doing this to be "cool". people blamed jim garrison for bringing this up just to become famous. but he was an honest man, with honest intentions. there are many lies written about him. the fact is, his track record was impeccable prior to the murder. he was proven to be FRAMED on many occaisions, including his bribery trial.

now, the reason why people choose to beleive oswald was alone do so because they do not have the intestinal fortitude to accept anything incriminating about the government. its psychological. I admit, it is difficult to accept that your government is guilty of something so horrible, its scary. but things like this happen, governments lie, cheat and steal all around the world. so people prefer to deny the govmt did anything wrong just so they can sleep better at night.

im sure posner's book has made many people sleep better at night knowing that their own government loves them and wants to protect them and would never lie to them. enjoy your fairy tale....

On 12-Sep-2005, nodaktoaz wrote:

First of all, Ian, the American poeple, for the most part, do not believe this was a one man hit. But unfortunately, we have people running around here like pjk who will buy into the greatest piece of nonsense ever written, "Case Closed," by Gerald Posner, because they don't want to be bothered by it. Adolph Hitler was quoted as saying, (and I am by no means a fan of Hitler's, but he did say this,) "It is easier to fool the masses with a great lie than a little one." Case closed? How? By saying a lone nut killed the president, who then just happened to be assassinated by a seedy nightclub owner with documented connections to organized crime, who just happened to be able to get into the basement of the police station, even though no one else could? I suppose the fact that dozens of witnesses had seen Oswald and Ruby together many times before means nothing? Can you say p-a-t-s-y? I can. And Oswald would have too, had he been allowed. But that didn't, or wasn't allowed, to happen. Three bullets from a bolt-action rifle in six seconds did all that? Please.

On 31-Aug-2005, Deanne wrote:

i strongly believe that Oswald did not kill Kennedy. im a year 10student and our major assesment is an essay on the killing of jfk and all that, and this site gave me all the answers to the questions no one could asnswer, i always thought that Oswald was innocent but i had nothing to prove it with and the proof that the shot to his head came from the left when Oswald was on the left, but i still believe it was a political person who fired the deadly shot, because there was many people including FORD who gained a higher rank after JFK's death and plus politions told other people to blame Oswald to keep their name clear! so thanks again uve really helpd!

On 29-Aug-2005, Leonie wrote:

My comment is this,probably upsets some people but it is my opinion.

Some people think that a man called James Files caused the fatal head wound to JFK I don't I think he did. He has jumped on the bandwagon. LHO had nothing to do with killing JFK I think he was just what he said he was "a patsy". Who did then? Well I think the three tramps had something to do with it but more than that I'm not sure but one thing is for sure James Files did not.

On 25-Aug-2005, aN wrote:

pjk.. is case closed the only book you have ever read? anybody who dares to write anything about this and call it CASE CLOSED must have some nerve. this case will never be closed. that book has been greatly criticized and dismantled by many other writers. maybe you should read those as well before claiming posner to be the all enlightened one. you choose to discredit a few claims here and there by conspiracy theorists, and u might be right about them, but theres so many other questions that are impossible to answer. even if you can debunk 90% of the claims conspiracy theorists make, that still leaves 10% of things that cannot be ignored or proven wrong. how did oswald defect to the ussr and come back to usa without a single problem? im sure you know all the details about it. he was definitely not a lone nut. why do you trust people that say oswald was a skilled shooter and ignore the countless people that say that he had a horrible shot. many experts claim the photos taken of oswald at his house with a gun were fake. why would a person planning to kill the president leave any incriminating photos lying around in plain sight. etc etc. please dont pick and choose a couple of conspiracy claims to disprove. the day when you can find explanations for 100% of these claims beyond reasonable doubt, (which is what you would need to do in court to convict oswald), only then can you write CASE CLOSED after everything. conspiracy theorists admit that they dont have all the answers to their theories and never will. but you, and others like you are the only ones who boldly claim to know the absolute truth. please dont make a fool of yourself any longer. have an open mind and criticize everything, even yourself. dont just stick to one book and take it as the gospel truth. i assume youre a true patriot and it hurts you to beleive that the government can betray you like this. dont be swayed by things you prefer to beleive. this is equally important for others who prefer to beleive conspiracy theories for whatever reason.

here\'s a little story. ill give you a summary. i dont remember the details. a study was done at some university or clinic about mental patients. they found perfectly normal people to volunteer as \"mental patients\" in the hospital. they then invited psychiatrists and doctors to analyze them as \"patients\". they were never told that these were perfectly normal people. the doctors came in with notebooks and did their standard psychiatric analysis. the result was crazy diagnosed psychiatric diseases for each one of them. some notes said "patient has enganged in writing activity". but the guy was simply writing down some notes about something he had to do later that day. i dont remember the articles title, sorry. i think it was from stanford though. the point is.. people are easily swayed by predetermined conclusions. these doctors (with phds) were TOLD that these people were mental patients. and not a single one of them, with their fancy techniques and high class education could discover that there was nothing wrong with these people. they all interpreted what they saw as some sort of mental disease..

so dont be like those doctors. question everything!! and no matter how convinced you become about anything... try to prove yourself wrong.. over and over.. put your emotions aside.. human psychology is the main obstacle behind this case.. don't pre conclude anything before you have beat it to death. never accept any one persons words as the truth.. keep looking for ways to contradict yourself..

you owe it to yourself and to the truth.

my logic tells me that oswald could not have acted alone from one room so far away in such little time. i also cannot beleive massive conspiracies involving every level of the government and media.. its just not likely..

but somewhere in the middle.. the truth lies waiting to be discovered.

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