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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 365« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Ruth Hyde Paine)

Mrs. Paine.
Mr. Jenner.
For Marina?
Mrs. Paine.
For Marina, and, of course, to check the baby's health, too, and I simply sent notation about this appointment to Secret Service. That is all.
Mr. Jenner.
Did Marina or June or Rachel or Lee, to your knowledge, have any medical care by private physician, during the time of your acquaintance with them?
Mrs. Paine.
Not to my knowledge, and I would be surprised.
Mr. Jenner.
Surprised? Why?
Mrs. Paine.
If they had. They had very little money, and this arrangement for the well baby clinic had been made by Marina well before I knew her. June had already been once or twice in Dallas to the Vine Street Clinic. I judged that Marina, a trained pharmacist, was concerned about health, and wanted to get proper medical care whether or not they could pay for it.
Mr. Jenner.
All right, now have we covered all of your calendar, which sometimes served as a diary, being Commission Exhibit No. 401?
Mrs. Paine.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. We will adjourn until 2:15.
(Whereupon, at 1:20 p.m., the proceeding was recessed.)

Testimony of Ruth Hyde Paine Resumed

Mr. Jenner.
The proceedings reconvened at 2:45 p.m.
Mr. Jenner.
We will resume. Directing your attention to Commission Exhibit No. 402, which is your address book, would you do with that what you did with your calendar diary, and go through it page by page, and tell us of any entries on particular pages which relate to the Oswalds?
The first sheet of the exhibit is the cover. Next is the inside cover, and the reverse of the first page. Is there anything on any of the entries which appear on those pages which relate to the Oswalds?
Mrs. Paine.
The one on the left is the police officer who picked up the address book.
Mr. Jenner.
Those are his initials and date that he picked it up?
Mrs. Paine.
I don't know who picked it up. And I didn't see it was gone.
Mr. Jenner.
Oh, yes; as you testified. The next page is the "A" page, the left and right hand.
Mrs. Paine.
These have no significance to the Oswalds.
Mr. Jenner.
The next is the B page, left and right.
Mrs. Paine.
No significance.
Mr. Jenner.
Bell Helicopter is the place at which your husband is employed?
Mrs. Paine.
That is right.
Mr. Jenner.
The next page is the C page, left-hand.
Mrs. Paine.
You are still on B.
Mr. Jenner.
I am what?
Mrs. Paine.
You are still on B.
Mr. Jenner.
The left-hand here on this exhibit is the reverse side of the B page, is that correct?
Mrs. Paine.
That is correct.
Mr. Jenner.
Anything on there relating to the Oswalds?
Mrs. Paine.
You have on this page two neighbors of mine, Ann Bell met both Marina and Lee, and she has been interviewed.
Mr. Jenner.
Other than that?
Mrs. Paine.
Other than that, no significance.
Mr. Jenner.
The next is the right-hand of the B page, and the first page of the C page. Any of those names or addresses related to the Oswalds?
Mrs. Paine.
Mr. Jenner.
Next is the opposite face of the C page and the first page of the D page.
Mrs. Paine.
Nothing there related to the Oswalds.
Mr. Jenner.
The next is the reverse side of the C page and the first page of the D page.
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