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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 265« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Nelson Delgado)

Mr. Delgado.
Yes; but I may have, may not have mentioned Charley Brown. I gave them the name of who I thought---felt who the one or two colored fellows were, but I couldn't think of it, and just made a stab in the dark.
Mr. Liebeler.
You don't remember what the name was that you told the FBI now?
Mr. Delgado.
No; Walt, Walt--Watts, that is the name I gave him, not Brown.
Mr. Liebeler.
Can you think of anything else about Oswald that you think might be of some help to the Commission in its investigation?
Mr. Delgado.
He didn't like the immediate people over him in this particular outfit. All of them weren't as intelligent as he was in his estimation.
Mr. Liebeler.
What about your estimation, did you think that they were as smart as Oswald was?
Mr. Delgado.
Oswald, I remember, for instance, that Oswald used to get in heated discussions with a couple of the officers there.
Mr. Liebeler.
The officers?
Mr. Delgado.
Right. And they'd be talking about let's say, politics, which came up quite frequently during a break, let's say, and I would say out of the conversation Oswald had them stumped about four out of five times. They just ran out of words, they couldn't come back, you know. And every time this happened, it made him feel twice as good, you know. He thought himself quite proficient with current events and politics.
Mr. Liebeler.
He used to enjoy doing this to the officers, I could imagine.
Mr. Delgado.
He used to cut up anybody that was high ranking, he used to cut up-and make himself come out top dog. That's why whenever he got in a conversation that wasn't going his way he would get mad, he'd just walk off, you know, and leave.
Mr. Liebeler.
Can you think of anything else about him?
Mr. Delgado.
He didn't drink. He didn't drink too much. Occasional beer. I never seen him drunk.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you have any reason to think that he had any homosexual tendencies?
Mr. Delgado.
No; never once. It was odd that he wouldn't go out with girls, but never once did he show any indications of being that. In fact we had two fellows in our outfit that were caught at it, and he thought it was kind of disgusting that they were in the same outfit with us, and that is also in the records of the outfit, these two fellows they caught.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he ever tell you why he wasn't interested in girls or did you ever discuss that with him?
Mr. Delgado.
No; I figured this fellow here looked to me like he was studying and applying himself for a goal, he wanted to become somebody, you know what I mean; later on, after he reached that goal, he will go and get married, or something like that; but the time I knew him he was more or less interested in reading and finding out different ideas here and there. That is, he'd ask what we thought of a current crisis, you know, and he'd argue that point.
Mr. Liebeler.
He was a pretty serious-minded fellow?
Mr. Delgado.
Yes; he was. Very seldom clowned around, you know.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you think he had much of a sense of humor?
Mr. Delgado.
No; he didn't appreciate it. You couldn't pull a practical joke on him, very sarcastic sneer all the time, you know. He had only one bad charteristic, one thing that can really identify him was a quirk he had. I don't know what it was, when he spoke, the side of his face would sink in and cause a hollow and he'd kind of speak through open lips like that, you know, and that's the only thing you could remember about Oswald when he spoke, you know, something like that, you know [indicating].
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you ever think that he was mentally unbalanced?
Mr. Delgado.
He never got real mad where he'd show any ravings of any sort, you know. He controlled himself pretty good.
Mr. Liebeler.
If you can't remember anything else about Oswald, I have no more questions. On behalf of the Commission I want to thank you very much.

Daniel Patrick Powers

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