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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 228« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Evelyn Grace Strickman Siegel)

Mr. Liebeler.
And we will mark the document Exhibit No. 2.
(Document marked "Exhibit 2.")
Mrs. Siegel.
Wait a minute. Let me just correct that. Marion would have written her own initials. That isn't my handwriting. I never made an "E" like that. I don't know who did that.
Mr. Liebeler.
You have no question, however, that this is the report prepared by you?
Mrs. Siegel.
No; I have absolutely no question. This is my dictation into the record. I know--that was Sadie Skolnick. That was the undersupervisor at the time. That is who that S.S. is.
Mr. Liebeler.
I have initialed Exhibit 2. So that we are sure we are talking about the same exhibit, would you initial it also, please?
Mrs. Siegel.
Sure. [Witness complies.]
Mr. Liebeler.
Exhibit 1 consists of six pages; is that correct?
Mrs. Siegel.
Mr. Liebeler.
After reviewing the report which you prepared in connection with Lee Oswald back in 1953, is your recollection refreshed so that you could add anything other than that which is already set forth in the written report which you prepared at that time?
Mrs. Siegel.
No; I can't add a thing to that.
Mr. Liebeler.
Would you say after reviewing the report that you prepared at that time that this boy gave any indication to you back in 1953, that is, as indicated in your report, that he had any violent tendencies or tendencies in this direction, in the direction of violence?
Mrs. Siegel.
Well, I can only say from what I wrote in that report that apparently this was a youngster who was teetering on the edge of serious emotional illness. Now, whether that included violence I am not prepared to say.
Mr. Liebeler.
You couldn't say that one way or the other from the material set forth in your report; is that correct?
Mrs. Siegel.
Yes; I would say that is correct.
Mr. Liebeler.
Can you think of anything else that you would like to add to the record after reviewing these reports that you think might be helpful to the Commission in its work?
Mrs. Siegel.
I am sorry, there is nothing I can add.
Mr. Liebeler.
I have no more questions. I want to thank you very much on behalf of the Commission.
Mrs. Siegel.
Not at all. It is a real tragedy.
Mr. Liebeler.
Thank you very much, Mrs. Siegel.
Mrs. Siegel.
Yes; not at all. Thank you. Goodbye.

Nelson Delgado

Testimony of Nelson Delgado

The testimony of Nelson Delgado was taken on April 16, 1964, at the U.S. Courthouse, Foley Square, New York, N.Y., by Mr. Wesley J. Liebeler, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.

Nelson Delgado, having been first duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows:

Mr. Liebeler.
My name is Wesley J. Liebeler. I am a member of the legal staff of the President's Commission investigating the assassination of President Kennedy. Staff members have been authorized to take the testimony of witnesses by the Commission pursuant to authority granted to the Commission Executive Order. No. 11130, dated November 29, 1963, and Joint Resolution of Congress No. 137.
Under the Commission's rules for the taking of testimony, each witness is to be provided with a copy of the Executive order and of the joint resolution, and a copy of the rules that the Commission has adopted governing the taking of testimony from witnesses.
The Commission will provide you copies of those documents. I cannot do it
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