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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VI - Page 83« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Dr. G. White Martin)

Mr. Specter.
And did you leave prior to the time he was pronounced to be dead ?
Dr. WHITE. Yes; I did.
Mr. Specter.
Why did you leave?
Dr. WHITE. My duties had been completed and there was work elsewhere, with the Governor, to be done.
Mr. Specter.
Who was present at the time you were there, Dr. White?

Dr. WHITE. As best I can recall, Dr. Carrico and I were the physicians immediately present when the President's body was brought in, plus a number of individuals who accompanied the cart on which his body was lying, and the only individual who I knew in that group was his wife, Mrs. Kennedy.
Mr. Specter.
And what doctors were present at the time you left the room?
Dr. WHITE. Well, it would be impossible for me to tell you all the people that were there, but I knew Dr. Carrico, Dr. Baxter, Dr. Perry and Dr. Zedelitz, Z-e-d-e-l-i-t-z (spelling)--I know they were there.
Mr. Specter.
Doctor who--what is his first name?
Dr. WHITE. William Zedelitz.
Mr. Specter.
To what extent did he participate?

Dr. WHITE. I don't believe that he had any--I don't know what he did other than the fact that when I was doing the cutdown he assisted me by just placing some tape over the catheters we used to do this with.
Mr. Specter.
Is he an intern as you are?
Dr. WHITE. He is a surgical resident here at this hospital.
Mr. Specter.
Who else was present?

Dr. WHITE. I can't be sure that I saw anyone else, although, as I say--many people were there whose faces I can't recall.
Mr. Specter.
Can you identify any of the nurses who were present?
Dr. WHITE. Yes; one of the nurses--there were two there, Jeanette, and her last name--I don't know at the present time, and she is chief nurse in the emergency room.
Mr. Specter.
Doris Nelson?
Dr. WHITE. Yes.
Mr. Specter.
Jeanette Standridge?
Dr. WHITE. Yes; Jeanette Standridge was the other nurse.

Mr. SPECTER. Do you have anything to add which you think might be of help to the Commission?
Dr. WHITE. No; I don't.
Mr. Specter.
Thank you very much, Dr. White for coming.
Dr. WHITE. All right, thank you.

Dr. Robert Shaw

Testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw

The testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw was taken at 6 p.m., on March 23, 1964, at Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Arlen Specter, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
Mr. SPECTER. May the record show that Dr. Robert Shaw is present, having responded to a request to have his deposition taken in connection with the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, which is investigating all facts relating to the medical care of President Kennedy and Governor Connally, and Dr. Shaw has been requested to appear and testify concerning the treatment on Governor Connally.
Dr. Shaw, will you rise and raise your right hand, please.
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you give before the President's Commission in the course of this deposition proceeding will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God ?
Dr. SHAW. I do.
Mr. Specter.
Will you state your full name for the record, please?
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