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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 499« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Bernard William , Accompanied By Weissman)

Mr. Weissman.
No. In other words, they would send out the secret messages and so forth from commander to commander and so on.
Mr. Dulles.
These were military messages?
Mr. Weissman.
Mr. Jenner.
How old a man was Larry Jones?
Mr. Weissman.
Larry--he looked 30. I think he is 21.
Mr. Jenner.
Do you have the charter or partnership agreement of CUSA with you?
Mr. Weissman.
Yes; I do.
Mr. Jenner.
I wonder if I could see that.
Mr. Weissman.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Chairman; the document consists of two pages which have been identified as Commission Exhibit No. 1034. It is entitled "Corporate Structure of American Business. Inc.," naming as incorporators or partners, Larrie H. Schmidt, Larry C. Jones, Bernie Weissman, James L. Moseley, Norman F. Baker. It purports to be signed in those names as well on the second page.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 1034 for identification.)
Mr. Jenner.
I notice on the first page that after each of those names there appear to be some initials. Are those the initials of those respective men?
Mr. Weissman.
That is right.
Mr. Jenner.
And were those initials placed on there in your presence?
Mr. Weissman.
Yes; they were.
Mr. Jenner.
The signatures that appear under each of those names or above each of those names on the second page, those are the signatures of those men, including your own?
Mr. Weissman.
That is right.
Mr. Jenner.
Were they placed on there in your presence?
Mr. Weissman.
Yes, they were.
Representative Ford.
Do you want that admitted at this time, Mr. Jenner?
Mr. Jenner.
I was going to offer these documents in sequence, if it suits the convenience of the Chairman. If we may return now, Mr. Weissman, please, to your efforts to infiltrate various conservative groups----
Senator COOPER. May I ask a question there? I may have to leave in a few minutes. Was there any time when your organization drew up a list of organizations, of other organizations, that it wanted to infiltrate?
Mr. Weissman.
Mr. Jenner.
Do you have that list with you?
Mr. Weissman.
I don't know. I have lost an awful lot of it. I might.
Mr. Jenner.
Would you look, please?
Mr. Weissman.
No; I don't have it.
Senator COOPER. May I ask, then---can he name from memory the organizations?
Mr. Jenner.
Using your recollection, sir, and it appears to be very good, if I may compliment you----
Mr. Weissman.
Thank you.
Mr. Jenner.
Would you do your best to respond to Senator Cooper's question by naming those various groups?
Mr. Weissman.
Yes. One was the NIC.
Mr. Jenner.
When you use initials, will you spell out what the initials mean?
Mr. Weissman.
National Indignation Convention, headed by Frank McGee, in Dallas, Tex.
Young Americans for Freedom, which encompassed the southwest. The initials are YAF.
Mr. Jenner.
Located in Dallas?
Mr. Weissman.
Regional headquarters in Dallas. John Birch Society.
Mr. Jenner.
Where was the John Birch--was there a chapter or headquarters in Dallas?
Mr. Weissman.
There are several chapters in Dallas; yes. And as far as I can recollect, that is as far as we went.
Representative Boggs.
What did you hope to accomplish by this infiltration, as you call it?
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