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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 484« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of James J. Rowley)

Mr. Rowley.
the background of Oswald and all. But then eventually, when the President authorized the FBI to conduct the investigation, we pulled out and only continued and finished up those reports that we initiated.
Mr. Rankin.
And since that time. after the FBI was given the authority to proceed with the investigation, you have cooperated with the Commission the staff, your staff, in helping with various items of information from time time. Is that right?
Mr. Rowley.
That is correct.
Mr. Rankin.
Now, do you have any information of a credible nature that would suggest to you that Oswald was or could have been an agent or informal of any Federal agency?
Mr. Rowley.
I have no credible information of that kind; no, sir.
Mr. Rankin.
Was he an agent or informant or directly or indirectly connected" with the Secret Service in anyway?
Mr. Rowley.
Not in any way. We did not know of him until the event.
Mr. Rankin.
From the way that the Secret Service employment is arranged, and life records are kept, and the payments are made, if he had ever been in any such capacity with the Secret Service. would it have come to attention?
Mr. Rowley.
It would; yes, sir.
Mr. Rankin.
And you are certain that he never was hired directly or indirectly or acted in that capacity.
Mr. Rowley.
He was never hired directly or indirectly in any capacity.
Mr. Rankin.
Do you have any credible information that would cause you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was an agent of any foreign country.
Mr. Rowley.
I have no such credible information.
Mr. Rankin.
Do you have any credible information to cause you to believe that he was involved in any conspiracy in connection with the assassination. either domestic or foreign?
Mr. Rowley.
I have no credible information on any of those.
Mr. Rankin.
Are there any areas of the investigation of the Commission that you would suggest that further work should be done, as far as you know the work of the Commission?
Mr. Rowley.
I do not.
Mr. Rankin.
From your knowledge of the investigation, do you have any opinion as to whether Lee Harvey Oswald was involved in the killing of the President?
Mr. Rowley.
From what reports I have read, I would say that he was involved in the killing of the President, but I do not have complete knowledge of it.
Mr. Rankin.
Do you have any opinion from your knowledge of the investigation as to whether Mr. Ruby was associated with anyone else directly or indirectly in the killing of Lee Harvey Oswald?
Mr. Rowley.
I have incomplete knowledge with respect to Ruby. Consequently. I could not say, other than what I saw on television or read in the newspapers, whether he had any connections.
Mr. Rankin.
Is there anything in connection with the work of the Commission or what you know about our inquiry here that you would like to add to or suggest that the Commission do beyond what you know of it?
Mr. Rowley.
No, sir.
Senator COOPER. May I ask a question?
Mr. Rankin asked you several questions. He asked you if you had credible information, which I think was a proper question. But may I ask if you have any information based upon any facts that you know or based upon any information given to you by persons who claim to have personal knowledge, that there were persons engaged in a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy?
Mr. Rowley.
I have no such facts, sir.
Senator COOPER. I address the same question as to whether you have any information that the killing of President Kennedy had any connection with any foreign power?
Mr. Rowley.
I have no such information.
The Chairman.
Mr. Dulles, any questions?
Mr. Dulles.
Yes. sir; I have one general question.
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