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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 46« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Lt. Jack Revill)

The Chairman.
I see, and you have the rest of your file which would indicate that?
Mr. Revill.
Yes, sir; I don't have it with me.
The Chairman.
No; but you have it in your records.
Mr. Revill.
Yes, sir.
The Chairman.
And that could be produced if we wanted it?
Mr. Revill.
Yes, sir; it is the complete file we have now on Lee Harvey Oswald.
The Chairman.
Mr. Rankin.
May we have----
Mr. Dulles.
Could I just see that?
Mr. Rankin.
Could we make a copy of that?
Mr. Revill.
Yes, sir; I put another piece in there because it is on onion skin.
Mr. Rankin.
We could make a photostatic copy quickly and return this to you.
Mr. Revill.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Rankin.
Mr. Chief Justice, I would like to number this in the next order of exhibits and offer it in evidence, if I may, this copy, the photostatic copy.
The Chairman.
Mr. Dulles.
Just as a security matter, would you kindly look in the file and see if by any chance your original longhand notes could have been put in the file, at this place in the file?
Mr. Revill.
Yes, sir; I can, but I am sure they were not because this was not made at my office. You see, we are removed physically from the police department, the intelligence unit, and this was made at the special service bureau office.
Mr. Dulles.
I see, not in your own office.
Mr. Revill.
No, sir; we are an integral part of the special service bureau office but our files are maintained elsewhere, and this was made at the special service bureau office.
Representative Ford.
When you sat down to write out this statement, just describe where you did it and how you did it, what kind of paper you used and so forth.
Mr. Revill.
Well, we use the white pads like this, and I wrote it out on the pad, and in the special service bureau office and it was made in Lieutenant Dyson's office, he was out, and I used his desk, and then I took it to Mrs. Robertson, and she typed it.
Representative Ford.
Did you consult with Detective Brian?
Mr. Revill.
No, sir.
Representative Ford.
During the time you were preparing it?
Mr. Revill.
No, sir.
Representative Ford.
Or subsequent to its preparation?
Mr. Revill.
No, sir; I did not. At the time I couldn't have told you who was with me or who overheard this thing because there was so much confusion in the elevator and going to the elevator.
Representative Ford.
But Brian was with you on the elevator?
Mr. Revill.
Yes, sir; he was with me in the automobile and on the elevator.
Representative Ford.
Was he up in Gannaway's office with you, too?
Mr. Revill.
Yes, sir; he works for me.
Representative Ford.
He was with you at the time you went to Gannaway's office?
Mr. Revill.
The special service bureau office; yes, sir.
Representative Ford.
But he didn't see this at anytime?
Mr. Revill.
No, sir; I say he didn't, I don't know whether he ever saw it or not. He might have seen it when I was working on it and I gave both of the copies to the captain.
The Chairman.
Lieutenant, did that entire Oswald file that you have just told us about come to the Commission, do you know?
Mr. Revill.
I don't know. Now what we did, we made up several large books, and it is my understanding that a copy of one of these was given to the Attorney General Waggoner and he was in turn to furnish it to this Commission, this I was told by Captain Gannaway.
Mr. Rankin.
When was that?
Mr. Revill.
This was a month or two ago.
Mr. Rankin.
Yes; but not when you first gave the files.
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