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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 358« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Winston G. , Accompanied By Fred B. Smith, Lawson)

Mr. Lawson.
No; I do not.
Mr. Stern.
Do you recall anything else that was said by the eyewitness that Mr. Sorrels had arranged to be brought in for the showup, anything else that he said while he was standing talking to you or Mr. Sorrels or while Oswald and others were on the----
Mr. Lawson.
No; I don't
Mr. Stern.
Then shortly after this showup, or shortly after this interview in the showup room, you left for Washington, I take it?
Mr. Lawson.
Yes; there had been quite a bit of discussion during the evening as to what evidence they had up to this time, the rifle, clothing, et cetera, would be brought to Washington to the FBI lab to be worked on, or whether the police would keep it in their custody for a little while longer for their investigation, and there was quite a-bit of discussion by various People all evening long.
And when it was finally decided it would be released by the Dallas Police, the rifle and other evidence to return to Washington, Inspector Kelley told me to return on the special plane that was flying the evidence and the accompanying FBI agent back to Washington.
Mr. Dulles.
Was the evidence turned. over to you or the FBI?
Mr. Lawson.
To the FBI, sir. I just returned on the plane.
Mr. Stern.
Was there at one point a reluctance on the part of the Dallas police to release the evidence?
Mr. Lawson.
Yes, sir. They felt, from what I overheard, they felt they might be able to get an identification of the rifle from one of the local gunshops. There were various leads that they wanted to follow out on that rifle that evening and the next day. I believe there was some talk that they couldn't locate some of the gunshop owners, and some of the other things they wanted to do. So they wished to keep this rifle for a day or so and then release it.
Mr. Stern.
I am told this has been covered with other witnesses, so there is no need to pursue it. I have nothing further.

Representative FORD. How long was this interview where Oswald was present?
Mr. Lawson.
The press interview, sir?
Representative Ford.
How long was he before the press?
Mr. Lawson.
I would say 5 minutes at the most.
Representative Ford.
I have no other questions.
Mr. Dulles.
I have no other questions.
Representative Ford.
Is that all, Mr. Stern?
Mr. Stern.
Yes, sir.
Representative Ford.
Thank you very much, Mr. Lawson, you have been very helpful.
Mr. Dulles.
We appreciate it very much.
(Whereupon, at 5:35 p.m., the President's Commission recessed.)

Alwyn Cole
Thursday, April 30, 1964

Testimony of Alwyn Cole

The President's Commission met at 9:25 a.m. on April 30, 1964, at 200 Maryland Avenue NE., Washington, D.C.
Present were Chief Justice Earl Warren, Chairman; Senator John Sherman Cooper, Representative Gerald R. Ford, and John J. McCloy, members.
Also present were J. Lee Rankin, general counsel; and Melvin Aron Eisenberg, assistant counsel.
The Chairman.
The Commission will be in order.
The purpose, Mr. Cole, of today's hearing is to take the testimony of Mr. James C. Cadigan and yourself. Mr. Cadigan is a questioned documents expert
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