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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 342« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Winston G. , Accompanied By Fred B. Smith, Lawson)

Mr. Smith.
the answer is, and I don't know whether it is sensitive or not. Apparently Mr. Lawson thinks that it might be.
Mr. Lawson.
No, just from your previous things, I can give you an off-the. record answer and you can tell me if it is.
Representative Ford.
Why don't we make the same arrangement on this as we had on the previous. Why don't you state for the record what you know and then we will have the same arrangement in this case as we had in the other.
Mr. Smith.
Sir, I don't want to quibble but that was sort of an after the fact arrangement in the sense that that it came out in the testimony there after the fact. I was a little bit concerned about it. I am not sure we would want to make this arrangement on questions and then reserving on the handling of them, because that isn't completely in accord with what I understand to be the present arrangement with the Chief Justice.
Representative Ford.
I suggest we do it this way then. Mr. Lawson now shouldn't answer but I suggest that Mr. Stern in the questions that are being prepared, for which answers will be given, that this question be included.
Mr. Dulles.
That is entirely satisfactory to me.
Mr. Smith.
I am sure you are aware we have no desire to withhold any information whatsoever. It is just a question of procedure here.
Representative Ford.
This question is among those that are to be asked in this interrogatory. Then the issue can be raised at that time.
(Discussion off the record.)
Mr. Stern.
Mr. Chairman, if you have questions to ask, or Mr. Dulles, about the advance preparation up to the time of November 22, I think this would be an appropriate time to cover it.
Representative Ford.
Do you have any, Mr. Dulles?
Mr. Dulles.
I don't think of any at the moment; no. It has been very well covered.
Representative Ford.
Mr. Lawson, I would like to clear up in my own mind some details. You we. re notified November 4 that you had this assignment for the Dallas trip.
Mr. Lawson.
Yes, sir.
Representative Ford.
Who actually notified you?
Mr. Lawson.
Mr. Boring called me. He is assistant agent in charge of the White House detail, one of two.
Representative Ford.
That was November 4?
Mr. Lawson.
November 4; yes, sir.
Representative Ford.
Do you recall the time of day?
Mr. Lawson.
I believe it was late in the afternoon.
Representative Ford.
What did you do next after being notified?
Mr. Lawson.
He told me that there wouldn't be any information available of any consequence until about the 8th. So I still had my regular duties and I was working.
Representative Ford.
What was the first thing you did officially in reference to the Dallas trip?
Mr. Lawson.
I went to Mr. Behn's office and called to Mr. Kellerman on the 8th of November, and got the information that they had up to that time, the proposed itinerary for the Texas trip, the time my airplane left, the name of some contacts and so forth, and then after that, went to the Protective Research Section, picked up this paraphernalia, called the Dallas office that I was coming, and so forth.
Mr. Dulles.
Were you advised that this information should be kept secret or is that just understood, when you were first given the. information about your assignments? That was kept entirely secret?
Mr. Lawson.
Well, I wasn't advised that it should be kept secret.
Mr. Dulles.
But you never would give out this information.
Mr. Lawson.
No, sir.
Mr. Dulles.
Until it is actually published.
Mr. Lawson.
That is right. I believe it was published before that though, however, anyway.
Mr. Dulles.
It was published that the President Was going to Texas before you went?
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