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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 287« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Luke Mooney)

Mr. Mooney.
There are two cartridges.
Where is the third one?
Mr. Ball.
The third one is not in this picture. This is taken from another angle.
Mr. Mooney.
This looks more like it than this angle here.
Mr. Ball.
You can see it is a different angle.
Mr. Mooney.
That is right.
Mr. Ball.
Now, in this same picture 511, you see a box in the window. Does that seem to be about the angle---
Mr. Mooney.
Yes; that box was tilted.
Mr. Ball.
That was tilted in that way?
Mr. Mooney.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Now, when you made a crease on 509, the box shown in 509--
Mr. Mooney.
The box should have been actually tilted.
Mr. Ball.
In other words, it was your testimony, was it, that the box as shown in 509 was not as you first saw it?
Mr. Mooney.
If I recall it right, this box was tilted. It had fallen off--looked like he might have knocked it off.
Mr. Ball.
Well, you cannot speculate to that, but you can just tell us what you saw. What about the box in the window shown in 511?
Mr. Mooney.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Is that the box that had the crease on it?
Mr. Mooney.
Yes, sir; I believe that is correct.
Mr. Ball.
Now, the crease was started from the edge, and came across?
Mr. Mooney.
yes, sir; just a slight crease.
Mr. Ball.
I have another picture. This is 512.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 512 for identification.)
Mr. Ball.
Here is a picture taken, also, from another angle. Does that show the cartridges?
Mr. Mooney.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Now, compare that with 510.
Mr. Mooney.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Is that about the way it looked?
Mr. Mooney.
Yes, sir; that is right. It sure is.
Mr. Ball.
Now, were the boxes, as you saw them, on the extreme left side of the window, the middle of the window, or the right side.
Mr. Mooney.
Well, they were further over to the left of the window than over to the right. More or less as they are in there in that picture.
Mr. Ball.
In 509?
Mr. Mooney.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Now, the boxes are in about the right position with reference to--
Mr. Mooney.
Yes, sir; because I had room enough to stand right here, and lean out this window, without disturbing the boxes.
Mr. Ball.
You could stand on the right of the boxes?
Mr. Mooney.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
And put your head out the window?
Mr. Mooney.
Yes, sir. If I recall, I put my hand on the outside of this ledge.
Mr. Ball.
And put your head out the window?
Mr. Mooney.
Yes, sir.
Senator Cooper.
Was the window open when you got there?
Mr. Mooney.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
If you stood to the left of the boxes, could you have looked out the window?
Mr. Mooney.
I don't believe I could, without, disturbing them. Possibly I might have, could have, but I just didn't try it.
Mr. Ball.
Now, I show you Exhibit 513.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 513, for identification.)
Mr. Ball.
This is another view of that window.
Mr. Mooney.
Yes, sir.
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