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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 273« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Robert A. Reid)

Mr. Belin.
Mrs. Reid.
Until I saw the parade coming around the corner from Main and Houston and when I did I walked out to the street so I would be nearer to the people, and I walked out and was standing by Mr. Truly and Mr. Campbell.
Mr. Belin.
All right. This was in front of the steps, ma'am?
Mrs. Reid.
Well, no; I had gone out directly in the front but I had gotten nearer to the street than the steps.
Mr. Belin.
You were actually onto the street then as the motorcade came by?
Mrs. Reid.
Yes; that is right. There is a part in there where our streets, one goes this way and one kind of goes off this way, and the line of parade they were going that way and I got right on the curb and was standing there.
Mr. Belin.
Well, turning to Exhibit 361, the top of Exhibit 361 faces south and this is Houston Street, here is the School Book Depository Building that I am pointing to.
Can you give any estimate as to where you were with relation to this, well, I will call it a peninsula of land between the parkway and the building.
Mrs. Reid.
You have got me turned around.
Mr. Belin.
The parade was coming along Houston.
Mrs. Reid.
I was standing about along in here, in here.
Mr. Belin.
You were standing a little bit to the north of the spot marked "B" on Exhibit 361.
Mrs. Reid.
That is right.
Mr. Belin.
And you would be directly in front of the main entrance of the School Book Depository, is that correct?
Mrs. Reid.
That is correct
Mr. Belin.
Now, by "B" I am referring to, on Exhibit 361, I am referring to the pen ink--pen and ink "B" which is directly to the east of what I will call the traffic light on that peninsula of land as Elm goes into the parkway there. All right, what did you see?
Mrs. Reid.
You mean when I was standing there?
Mr. Belin.
What did you see and hear and do?
Mrs. Reid.
Well, I was naturally watching for the car as the President came by. I looked at him and I was very anxious to see Mrs. Kennedy, I looked at her and I was going to see how she was dressed and she was dressed very attractive and she put up her hand to her hat and was holding it on, the wind was blowing a little bit and then went on right on by me and that is the last as far as the parade, I mean as far as they were concerned.
I did see Johnson, and that was it. I can't even tell you any more about the parade because after the shots I didn't know any part about that.
Mr. Belin.
What did you see and hear and do after that?
Mrs. Reid.
Well, when I heard--I heard three shots.
Mr. Belin.
You heard three shots?
Mrs. Reid.
And I turned to Mr. Campbell and I said, "Oh, my goodness, I am afraid those came from our building," because it seemed like they came just so directly over my head, and then I looked up in the windows, and saw three colored boys up there, I only recognized one because I didn't know the rest of them so well.
Mr. Belin.
Which one did you know?
Mrs. Reid.
James Jarman.
Mr. Belin.
You recognized James Jarman?
Mrs. Reid.
Yes; because I had had some dealings with him in the business part and I knew him. I couldn't have told you the other two at all because I didn't know them.
Mr. Belin.
Do you remember that floor you saw them on?
Mrs. Reid.
Well, I wasn't exactly looking at the floor, I don't know, I would say a couple of floors up. I mean several anyway. I don't know exactly.
Mr. Belin.
You don't remember which floor it was.
Mrs. Reid.
I couldn't tell you because, you know, I didn't count the floors and I didn't count them, and I made the statement "Oh, I hope they don't think any of our boys have done this" and I had no thoughts of anything like that. I turned and went back in the building.
Mr. Belin.
All right. Now, let me ask you this then.
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