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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 321« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Katherine Ford)

Mrs. Ford.
want to talk about it, and now she has to talk about it to the FBI since Robert mentioned it.
Representative Ford.
In this meeting there was Mr. McKenzie?
Mrs. Ford.
That is right. Mr. McKenzie, Marina and I.
Representative Ford.
Just the three of you?
Mrs. Ford.
Representative Ford.
In a room in Mr. McKenzie's office?
Mrs. Ford.
Yes; in one of the rooms in his office.
Representative Ford.
And Mr. McKenzie said what?
Mrs. Ford.
Oh, I think that maybe frankly, I don't know what he was telling her.
Representative Ford.
Was this meeting only about the Nixon affair?
Mrs. Ford.
I am very sorry, but I think that during that time when we were talking about that it was when he was talking about General Walker, that he was--it was not about Nixon that they talked about.
Representative Ford.
This meeting with Mr. McKenzie, when Marina and you were discussing matters--
Mrs. Ford.
That was about General Walker.
I think Mr. McKenzie didn't know what they would talk about but he advised her "They will ask you if there were two guns, you tell them there was one gun that was used," he told her.
Representative Ford.
One gun used where?
Mrs. Ford.
For Walker, I mean the same one they had at the house or something, frankly this is what I had--
Representative Ford.
I think you just said at the outset of this meeting the prime purpose or the principal purpose was to discuss the Walker affair.
Mrs. Ford.
Yes; that is right.
Representative Ford.
How did the Nixon affair come up?
Mrs. Ford.
I just can't recollect how.
Representative Ford.
Did McKenzie raise the question or did Marina raise it?
Mrs. Ford.
How it was raised, I didn't get to discuss it with her about the particulars about it, except one time in the car, I don't remember how it came up and I was asking well how did that happen, and she was rather hesitating to talk about it, but she said, "Well, I locked him in the bathroom, and he was screaming or something, he was wanting to get out", and she tried to talk him out of it and he said, "if you are going to keep me in here just let me have a book to read", and I told her how did he get out later, she said, "Well, he rather cooled off and I talked him out of it."
Representative Ford.
You say this conversation took place in the car?
Mrs. Ford.
Yes; this conversation right now took place in the car but I don't know how it got started, I have forgotten.
Representative Ford.
When you say it took place in the car, was it in the car going from Mr. McKenzie's to your home?
Mrs. Ford.
That is right, to my home. She was staying at my place at this time.
Representative Ford.
Did she talk rather freely about this Nixon--
Mrs. Ford.
She didn't talk about it freely, I thought she was rather hesitant about going into particulars.
Representative Ford.
Did she ever indicate why she had not discussed this incident with anybody, including the Commission?
Mrs. Ford.
Well, right during that time, just before that, in the office, Mr. McKenzie, and I told her before that, "if you know anything that I think that would help either the Commission or the FBI I thought it my duty to tell them," and I told her that if she doesn't want me to say to anybody just don't talk to me about it, that is what I told her.
But because and maybe that is why she was hesitating to talk to me, Mr. McKenzie told it to her and had a written statement to her, too, if he feels there is anything he will have to say he will say it in connection with the President.
So it was said right before that, and I feel maybe that is why she was hesitating to talk to me.
Representative Ford.
That is all.
The Chairman.
Mrs. Ford, you are an American citizen now, aren't you?
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