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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 717« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Prof. Revilo Pendleton Oliver)

Mr. Jenner.
I didn't mean that, sir. What I am seeking to do is narrow down the source of your statement What I am seeking is sources and to determine whether there is any source of information which this Commission has not itself investigated and should investigate.
Mr. Oliver.
Again, my recollection will be vague. There was some discussion several years ago among "Sovietoloists"--of a Russian---of a report from Russian sources that this school had been closed.
Mr. Jenner.
Was there a publication ?
Mr. Oliver.
I am virtually certain it must have been a publication; yes. I believe it was mentioned in connection with some one of these stories that the Russians were "mellowing" and so on.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Unger, I apologize to you, I should have stated for the record the fact that you are here representing Doctor Oliver. Would you give the reporter your full name and where you reside and practice law?
Mr. Unger.
Yes; John Unger, in Danville, Ill., is where I practice.
Mr. Jenner.
And you appear here as counsel for Dr. Oliver.
Mr. Unger.
Mr. Oliver.
You will find that school also mentioned in the statement that Congressman Ashbrook read into the Congressional Record on the pages cited there.
Mr. Unger.
May I interject here that I think that what Dr. Oliver is trying to do is to try to furnish you as many sources as possible for information about the existence of the school in or near Minsk, because I was told your conversation with me on the telephone, that you were not aware of that information but I suspect what you are primarily concerned about is the information he had of Lee Harvey Oswald attending that school.
Mr. Jenner.
I want his sources for all the statements he has made. I was about to get to that.
Mr. Unger.
Yes; and I take it that 'he has answered that question as fully as he can when he told you about this broadcast which he heard.
Mr. Jenner.
You have heard Mr. Unger's statement, Doctor. Do you accept that, that your sole source of information as to Lee Harvey Oswald's having attended, as you state, in part 1 of your article, having attended this school, was the broadcast from Vienna the night of November 23-24?
Mr. Oliver.
No; there was also the statement in Congressman Ashbrook's article in the Congressional Record, as I recall. A further statement by Congressman Ashbrook in an article, a short article, more or less summarizing what he had read into the record, which appeared in a publication of the Liberty Lobby.
Mr. Jenner.
Liberty Lobby?
Mr. Oliver.
Mr. Jenner.
What is that publication, sir?
Mr. Oliver.
I believe it was the Liberty Letter, as it is called.
Mr. Jenner.
Would you identify it for me, who publishes it?
Mr. Oliver.
The Liberty Lobby is an organization here in Washington of which I understand Willis Carto is an active member and possibly officer, I do not recall clearly. Its purpose as stated, is to lobby for America interests in Congress.
Mr. Jenner.
Doctor, I have a copy of the daily Congressional Record for Wednesday, December 4, 1963, pages 22215 and 22216 (bound volume 109, part 18, page 23331 ). I have marked it as Oliver Exhibit No. 3. I hand that to you. Would you tell me if that is the Congressional Record source to which you made reference ?
(The document referred to was marked 0liver Exhibit No. 3 for identification. )
Mr. Jenner.
It may help you that the footnote of your article refers to page 22215 of the December 4 issue of the Congressional Record.
Mr. Oliver.
Yes; that is the statement by Congressman Ashbrook to which I referred. I was, of course, referring particularly, to the statement about his wife.
Mr. Jenner.
About Oswald's wife?
Mr. Oliver.
Oswald's wife; yes.
Mr. Jenner.
I take it, then, that is the portion of the matter I quoted in which it is stated that "He" meaning Oswald, 'quarried the daughter of a colonel in the Soviet military espionage system (and possibly also in the secret police)."
Mr. Oliver.
I have since learned that that statement was somewhat inaccurate.
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