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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 193« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Marjorie R. Richey)

Mrs. Richey.
About 6 months.
Mr. Griffin.
Where was your home before that?
Mrs. Richey.
Irving, Tex.
Mr. Griffin.
Are you a native of Texas?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
Where did you live in Irving, Tex.?
Mrs. Richey.
The previous address, the last one that we lived at was 134 West Lively.
Mr. Griffin.
Where were you living on November 22, 1963?
Mrs. Richey.
2215 Cunningham.
Mr. Griffin.
Is that also Irving, Tex.?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
At that time were you employed by Jack Ruby?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
What was the nature of your employment with him?
Mrs. Richey.
I was a waitress.
Mr. Griffin.
What club did you work at?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
How long had you worked for Mr. Ruby?
Mrs. Richey.
Since June of the same year.
Mr. Griffin.
Had you ever worked for him before?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you work for him continuously from June Until November 22?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
Would you work every night of the week or did you have some nights off?
Mrs. Richey.
Sometimes I worked every night and sometimes I got a night off. Never a regular day off.
Mr. Griffin.
Were you on a salary?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
How were you paid?
Mrs. Richey.
Tips. That is what we earned our money by, tips.
Mr. Griffin.
How many other waitresses were there normally at the Carousel Club?
Mrs. Richey.
Before this happened?
Mr. Griffin.
Before the 22d of November; yes.
Mrs. Richey.
Generally three or four.
Mr. Griffin.
And were they all paid on a tip basis?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
Can you give us any idea of what your normal amount of tips would be that you would get in a week?
Mrs. Richey.
In a week?
Mr. Griffin.
Mrs. Richey.
It varied so much.
Mr. Richey.
May I ask a question, please?
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Richey.
This testimony she is giving to you now on the amount of money that she earned, can this be used by Internal Revenue?
Mr. Griffin.
If you would rather not talk about it, it is all going to be a matter of record, and if this is an area that you would rather not go into--
Mr. Richey.
It is not that. It is just as you know none of these girls pay taxes and they can come back on this.
Mr. Griffin.
Let's not go into this then. What I am trying to get at is to get some idea of what the people who worked for Ruby were making.
Mrs. Richey.
I was telling the truth though. It really varies. Some nights you may make a dollar and the next night you may make $50. It just depends.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you think there were nights when you made as much as $50?
Mrs. Richey.
I never did but I mean there were waitresses that did, but they had been, you know, working as waitresses a lot longer than I had.
Mr. Griffin.
What were your hours at the Carousel Club?
Mrs. Richey.
7:30 to about 1:30.
Mr. Griffin.
What time did the shows start at the club?
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