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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 167« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Harold J. Fleming)

Mr. Fleming.
Well, the width of the street. Place it diagonal, and he would be about three car lengths.
Mr. Hubert.
In other words, the car Was on the other side of the street?
Mr. Fleming.
About three car lengths forward of our position, so it would be the width of the street, plus whatever it would be.
Mr. Hubert.
Then you walked back?
Mr. Fleming.
I walked back.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, during all the time that you were at the Dallas police jail, from the moment when you first arrived, did you see anyone going down the driver's side of the space between the armored car and the wall?
Mr. Fleming.
No; I did not.
Mr. Hubert.
Are you in a position .to say that had anyone walked down that space, you would have seen him?
Mr. Fleming.
Most likely. There were no people at all on that side of the street, save one colored lady at one point, and I don't know whether this was before or after the shooting, but everyone else was on the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you know Jack Ruby?
Mr. Fleming.
No; I did not.
Mr. Hubert.
You have, of course, since that time seen pictures of him, I suppose?
Mr. Fleming.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Movies perhaps, or television?
Mr. Fleming.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you recall whether you saw Jack Ruby or any person resembling him at any time around there on that date?
Mr. Fleming.
I did not.
Mr. Hubert.
Were you aware on that morning, or does your memory serve you now in that regard as to whether there was one or more TV mobile unit vans parked on the same side of Commerce Street as you were, but in the Harwood Street direction?
Mr. Fleming.
As I recall, I observed one.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you see any people walk up to that car?
Mr. Fleming.
No; I did not. After I heard the shot, an individual came up to me and asked me what happened. And I don't know, he was a little excited, and I was not in position to know, and subsequently I went inside. He could have been from the mobile TV group, I don't know.
Mr. Hubert.
Could you give some sort of description of that individual?
Mr. Fleming.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you see any police guard or guards in the space or protecting the space in any way between the driver's side of the armored car and the wall?
Mr. Fleming.
Not on the outside of the building.
Mr. Hubert.
There was some on the inside?
Mr. Fleming.
When I went in, someone challenged me as to my identity.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you know whether that person stayed there?
Mr. Fleming.
I don't know. I just know when I went in three times, I was questioned.
Mr. Hubert.
You have mentioned that you went in and out a couple or three times, and you now state to me that each time you went in or out, you were questioned?
Mr. Fleming.
Yes; I was challenged.
Mr. Hubert.
That were on the driver's side of the van?
Mr. Fleming.
On the inside of the quarters. Not on the outside.
Mr. Hubert.
Was it the same person that challenged you each time?
Mr. Fleming.
Mr. Hubert.
What did the challenge consist of?
Mr. Fleming.
"Who are you? What do you want?" And I merely explained that I was with the armored car. Of course the officer, whoever was there, had seen me visiting with Chief Batchelor, and they knew as soon as I mere tioned that as to my identity, I presume.
Mr. Hubert.
Well, I believe that is all. Do you have anything else you want to say that you think is either pertinent or of interest to the general inquiry?
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