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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 75« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Curtis Laverne Crafard Resumed)

There also may be a certain amount of distortion in the recording and We are not able to state for the record at this time exactly how much distortion there is and how this would compare favorably with what might heard over a telephone. I would like you to keep all of this in mind in listening to this and try to give us as accurate a recollection as you can of whether you have ever heard this voice which will appear to be Oswald's. Mr. Hubert, do you have anything you want to add?

Mr. Hubert.
Well, it is just another way of putting what Mr. Griffin has said, we don't want you to identify a voice simply because it is suggested to you by the content of the material. If that would be the basis of your recollection of your recognition it would be of no value to us, you see. On the other hand, if you do recognize the voice we expect you to tell us.
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Hubert.
All right.
Mr. Griffin.
Dr. Goldberg, do you have anything you would like to ask?
Dr. GOLDBERG. No; I have no questions.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Phillips, if you would go ahead and commence the recording we will all listen to it.
Mr. Hubert.
Mr. Phillips, you are going to be able to tell us after we finish playing that at what point you began and at what point you ended?
Mr. Phillips.
Mr. Griffin.
Might I ask the reporter if it is possible for him to take down the first couple of sentences so we will have for the record----
Mr. Hubert.
I don't think it will be necessary if we can get into the record its being at such a point in feet.
Mr. Griffin.
Can you indicate to use what the footage is?
Mr. Phillips.
I have the index at zero right now with the paper index in the reel. When it is through I will be able to know how much, what the index reads and I will have a paper index in the other roll and that space in between is what we have played. I will identify that section.
Mr. Griffin.
May I suggest, though, Mr. Hubert that if there is any possibility that portions of this tape might be deleted or retranscribed onto another tape that it would probably be best if we did have an indication of the opening words that are on here so that it can be located?
Mr. Hubert.
That is an extra precaution.
(The tape recording commenced with the following):
"What price in dollars of Cuba selling sugar to Russia, Russia sending to Cuba 80 percent in machinery in Russia and 20 percent in dollars," et cetera, et cetera, et cetera----
(This is a Cuban or Spanish speaking voice.)
"Could you straighten out that point, are you or have you been a Communist?"
"Yes; I am a Marxist.
"What is the difference.
"Well, the difference is primarily the difference between a country like Ghana, Guiana, Yugoslavia, China, or Russia."
(End of transcription.)
Mr. Griffin.
Can you tell us now, Mr. Crafard, whether after listening to this recording you recognize any of the voices on the recording?
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Hubert.
Mr. Phillips, I want the record to show where you began and where you left off and we have the double check with the opening sentences of the excerpt and the closing sentences so that we may have a mechanical check as well, would you state for the record precisely how this can be identified at a later point in time.
Mr. Phillips.
This section of the tape can be identified by paper index tabs which have been inserted. Secondly, the index numerical index reads 163 on this stereophonic concord tape recorder. The numerical index reads 163 which means from the time the tape was played which was on zero index, the tape distance went 163 inches.
Mr. Hubert.
Those paper tabs are temporary, aren't they?
Mr. Phillips.
That is correct.
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